Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Shreveport, LA
Interests:LSU Sports, Louisiana Sportsman
Number of Posts:12
Registered on:6/5/2010
Online Status:Not Online

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re: Most annoying pet peeve at the gym?

Posted by Jmoney318 on 12/16/14 at 8:28 am
Dudes that make dinosaur noises while lifting and slam the weights around. I get it, you're an alpha....

re: Anyone ever taken an amtrack train?

Posted by Jmoney318 on 12/12/14 at 10:01 am
We took the Texas Eagle from Marshall TX to St. Louis, can't complain a bit but we also had a sleeper cabin so we could shut door. Food was much better than expected. ...
You are not alone. Only reason I'm sitting here is because the wife had to go in to work, otherwise we'd be B.R. bound :geauxtigers:...

re: Matt Crossman's take on Mathieu

Posted by Jmoney318 on 10/26/12 at 8:48 am
[quote]boo hoo, everyone feel sorry for the badger...everyone has problems, its called LIFE. i know people who have recovered from drug addiction that have had it much worse than tyrann. matt crossman is a hack[/quote] ------------------------------------------------------------------------...

re: I'm sure Miles is furious!!!

Posted by Jmoney318 on 10/26/12 at 8:30 am
If I were Miles, I would wash my hands of Tyrann and worry about more important things. I'm sure he thinks it's unfortunate but we have talent stacked on talent, focuss on the current roster of players....
that's the plan, sell my four terrace tickets, and pull hard for OSU. :geauxtigers:...
I have 4 terrace tickets reserved, and 2 premium terrace for OSU (got em cheap) so I should know the answer to this, but when is the latest you can sell your reserves without actually buying the ticket at face value? Thanks...
Thank You Cam! It's also pretty obvious on game days and the Fridays before there's a ton of folks out stocking up on food/beer and what not, then come game time the streets are quiet. ...
band wagon my a$$, there have always been plenty here, just not as proud as the Cowgirl fans but that has changed significantly over the last five years. Some people from BR are delusional about Shreveport :geauxtigers:...

re: BR Restaurants for Peterson!!

Posted by Jmoney318 on 10/1/10 at 11:43 am
Ok so there's no trade mark on the number 7, or PP7, so how bout a shirt that goes with the theme of PP7 to the "H" power, ya know like 100 to the 10th power equation would look. If enough of these got made you would think the media would comment on them and have to explain what they mean. Just tryi...
My fiance did this last year, and we tried every remedy in the book. Then a doc at work told her that it's a chemical burn and though some remedies might ease the burn, only time would cure it. She slept with her hands in a bowl of milk and ice....