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Registered on:6/26/2023
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Until you name who "they" are, it's pointless. ...

re: Justin Trudeau's wife left him

Posted by RayDaniel on 8/2/23 at 12:58 pm
No strings attached now. The poop chute is open and ready for business....

re: This isn’t 2016 Trump…

Posted by RayDaniel on 8/2/23 at 12:35 pm
[quote]His energy plan might have been worse.[/quote] Wasn't his energy plan Drill Baby Drill. /END/APPLAUSE There was probably some side shekels for Jared in the fine print but otherwise that was the extent. A mornoic punch line....
I'm tapped out for the time being. Emptied my charity funds with John Hagee to move poor Israeli's stuck in the Ukraine back to Israel. ...
What's pathetic is all of the other challengers for the GOP are competing to show who loves Israel more and who will support more wars harder. ...
I'm all for "dark days for Democracy". The sooner the scam is over the better....

re: Asa responds to Trump indictment

Posted by RayDaniel on 8/1/23 at 8:49 pm
Ah, the man-boy love wing of today’s GOP chimes in. Wonderful. ...
That can’t be a real statement by Pence. No mention of his love of Israel. I think that’s a fake....
Why are you dragging Muslims into this? They wouldn't give a damn. I'm sure the ACLU will be all over supporting this guy if they weren't busy keeping Christianity out of schools and all....
Not really an apt comparison. People who took the jab did so as a result of a massive government advertising campaign that bordered on and perhaps even ventured into threats. Meanwhile, what the people did in Germany in 1933 was for no reason whatsoever, it's just a complete baffling mystery....
Jeff Sessions tricked Trump and there were bigly changes to the FISA that Trump signed, believe that....
[quote]The thing Trump reauthorized right?[/quote] I'm sure Trump said at a rally or few that he wouldn't do that, but he either got tricked into reauthorizing it or figured he had to and had no other option. But, if you want to hear at his next rally he opposes it, he will be happy to perform ac...

re: DeSantis losing by a lot

Posted by RayDaniel on 8/1/23 at 11:51 am
I give credit to Trump. At his rallies he is funny and says things that other GOP pols won't say. That's a talent. But you must understand what Trump says at his rallies he either has no intention of following through with (usually) or no idea how to follow through with (sometimes). It's performance...

re: DeSantis losing by a lot

Posted by RayDaniel on 8/1/23 at 9:48 am
The disgusting part is Trump is more vulnerable than Biden, but DeSantis isn't the instrument to not only beat Trump but destroy him. The trip to Israel and the weaseling on Ukraine (to appease the same group) renders him unable to be that guy....
Recall when Trump promised the yahoos at his rallies he was going to ban trannys from the military? Then he got elected and his handpicked superstar Secretary of Defense "Mad Dog" said he wouldn't do that. Of course, Trump either folded or told Mad Dog that he didn't plan on following through with t...
Various Jewish groups (the ACLU, Americans United and the media). have sued to stop Oklahoma from issuing a charter to a Catholic group in Oklahoma. To no one's surprise, the Jewish groups claim a Catholic charter school will inevitably discriminate against gay or transgendered 1st graders. The ele...
[quote]So let's go back to 2016-7 when he's running for pres and trying hard not to be labeled a transphobe.[/quote] And therein lies the problem. If a society not only accepts but champions and/or is afraid to call a mental case a mental case, that society will accept anything. Thus, the normali...

re: This is what we are up against

Posted by RayDaniel on 7/31/23 at 11:46 pm
Both parties would come together in a spirit of bipartisanship in our wonderful democracy and agree not to investigate Kushner. In fact, they may want to collaborate to reward him in some fashion for his devotion to our Greatest Ally....

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by RayDaniel on 7/31/23 at 11:37 pm