Favorite team:US Space Force 
Location:Ephesians 6:10-16
Number of Posts:8402
Registered on:7/30/2020
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[quote] I wanted to share my testimony, because i know there are a lot of people out there struggling right this very moment, and i can finally admit that if you can humble yourself and fully submit to God through His son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, it's a feeling unmatched by anything we wil...
[quote]Germany didn't start WW1.[/quote] Funny how "History" ignores the actual real culprits (The Brits)....
[quote]I find Hitler's persona fascinating. How did he compel so many people to commit genocide.[/quote] The same way Americans and Europeans have been compelled to accept lie-after-lie from their [i]trusted[/i] Statist Overlords Inc (while accepting repeated injections of NEVER-TESTED "safe &...

re: Covid Ruined a Shitload of People

Posted by Liberator on 5/1/24 at 10:41 am
[quote]it makes it easy to know who to avoid[/quote] But does it? [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZDVsbmY0d3htd2wxZnkyaHN5MDIyZ3dmN2ZvODIzano0ejhjbHhxeCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/9QWwHgJ2B1Gp2/giphy.gif[/img] ...
[quote]It is a very rare day indeed on TD when there is not at least one active thread bashing the Roman Catholic Church.[/quote] It i a rare day indeed when you aren't hallucinating about your insane RCC persecution complex and crusade. [quote]Tigerdroppings must be one of the most active Ca...
[quote]... how does that reconcile with absolutely no action in looking for him on the part of Simon Wiesenthal? There is no way he would have gone along with anything to do with allowing Hitler to escape. [b]There is no way his silence could be bought...[/b][/quote] ANYONE's "silence can be ...
Nice research on the [i]Loon[/i] Project in Africa. Though supposedly "discontinued" under the old [b]"Loon[/b]" moniker, the project continues under new names. :cheers: [i]Loon[/i] = Bal[b][u]loon[/u][/b]-"Satellites", a network of high altitude / aka "Low Earth Orbit" Bal-loons design...
"Ending Coal" is simply just one more step by un-elected WEF-UN-Globalist bureaucrats by design. The ongoing implementation of the globalists' Agenda 21/30 Plan that was signed on by 176 countries (in 1992!) will continue unfettered. NONE of the crippling demolition the US & European e...
Wall St = Blackrock = Global Satanic .00001% = DEMOLITION CREW of the "American Dream" (and all that is Good and Holy) [img]https://i.giphy.com/QPW2SFF7KBYuQ.webp[/img]...
[quote]CNN Poll[/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbDRibzZyYWZtcnI4Z3NrY3FwMmF6N2xncDhoZ2Rla3MxMXdseno0YyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/n8exeyKzT2tkQ/giphy.gif[/img]...
[quote]1954 World Series. [b]New York Giants sweep Cleveland Indians 4-0.[/b] The Indians finished the regular season [b][u]111-43[/u], the all-time winning percentage in the American League.[/b][/quote] :cheers: /Thread ...
[quote]I do not see a color for indigenous, interracial, non-conforming, hetero-non-binary, left-handed, autistic savants in the new design.[/quote] No dwarf mention? BOGUS, MAN!! [img]https://media.tenor.com/Yq4zDhtmQu4AAAAC/peter-dinklage-emmys.gif[/img] ...
Phantom Pandemics? Muh-"Climate Change"? * looking frantically for binky * :lol:...
[quote]I think a lot of comedians got tired of being asked "Why are you pushing the line?" and [b]instead just decided to tell jokes about food[/b].[/quote] And that's how we know how ridiculous its been to give control over what's considered "socially acceptable" to Big Mouth hypersensitive tw...
[quote]I don't think Gemstones is lampooning xtianity nearly as much as it is that specific brand of prosperity gospel and hypocrisy.[/quote] Funny how ONLY Christians and Christianity can be "lampooned" as "hypocritical" by the TV / Movie programming overlords, eh?...
[quote]It's not about violent crime,[b] it's the country-wide attitude .....culture[/b]....about crime. Something as simple as no one using locks on their bikes, downtown in highly populated areas, everywhere...Try that in any big American city. Shoplifting is non existent...[/quote] Japanese ...
[quote]“I love to move my body. I love to sweat. I love to be with people. ... [/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/9Uhg4sl8EM0AAAAM/heck-no.gif[/img] Naah, I'm good....
[quote]The intent is not justice but ruin the target - ie[b] "the process is the punishment"[/b].[/quote] Exactamundo....
[quote][i]quote: audiences have gotten more sophisticated[/i] No, they really haven't. The most watched shows on television right now are Tracker (a detective show), Young Sheldon (a sitcom), and NCIS (a detective show).[/quote] Agree. The more"popular" the programming, generally the mor...
[quote]Joke's on Jerry. He's a part of the political apparatus that cause this.[/quote] ^^^ This. (MEMO: The Crocodile eventually finds everyone is a meal. Even you, Jerry) ...