Favorite team:Missouri 
Biography:It’s better to be a master of silence, than a slave to your own words
Interests:The usual & a few not so usual.
Occupation:Master of my domain- Med Sales
Number of Posts:2596
Registered on:3/25/2020
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[quote]Or rent a helicopter to throw the Marxists out of[/quote] I laughed, but that would be a hell of a legacy moment. A photo op at the Oxford airport with the house members, a helicopter, and a sign offering free helicopter rides. Can you imagine 25 years from now a group of preppy plebes...
[quote]Columbia is on a budget[/quote] When the dusts settles, the flood of lawsuits filed, and the sea of benefactor gifts & endowments dried up. You’re damn right they’re gonna be on a budget. I would expect the city of New York to be tallying up a hefty tab as well for all that allocated m...
[quote]marijuana should be reclassified from the strictest Schedule I to the less stringent Schedule III. It would be the first time that the U.S. government has acknowledged its potential medical benefits and begun studying them in earnest.[/quote] So the U.S. government has acknowledged it’s lo...
This is what passes for an idea in the addled brain of Joe Biden. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMYhX0mXMAAaVmL?format=png&name=small[/img] “Anitifa is just an idea” ...
[quote]I bet you get them to say anything if you did it right[/quote] That’s my Arab princess in her keffiyeh & looking fine. No it’s not, that’s Kerri from the 229. With her face wrapped up and showing some thigh. I wonder if she would mind if I PIIHFB. :usa:...
[quote]look at all of those COWARDS wearing mask..[/quote] [img]https://imengine.prod.srp.navigacloud.com/?uuid=AA3411C9-52E3-4503-B034-3222B36913BE&type=primary&q=75&width=1024[/img]...
[quote]They need to expel their asses.[/quote] Holy shite Wash U shows some intestinal fortitude. [quote]Washington University(STL) faculty placed on leave, students ‘houseless’ after Gaza protest Students were scrambling for a place to live and professors were wondering if they'd teach agai...

re: Insurrection at Columbia

Posted by Boomdaddy65201 on 4/30/24 at 1:48 am
The dirtbag that took the riot shield to the face did his best Nature Boy impression…and it was glorious. [img]https://j.gifs.com/KRoGVj.gif[/img]...
[quote]Gays against groomers[/quote] You lay with dogs you’re gonna get fleas. Blah, blah, blah, we just wanted to get married and have baked goods. You could have shut down the insanity with the quickness. You had social media and the MSM at your beckon call when it all went sideways, bu...
[quote]Capitalism and imperialism is based right here, and it must come down right here.” [/quote] You don’t say… [embed]https://twitter.com/IwriteOK/status/1446546731978481664[/embed]...
[quote]Recorded at the “Liberated Zone” at Princeton University[/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/WpD1NtUj4LDZoAkoqM/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952ukrnkulbgnxq21rm6ecvd9mka2get0zs2n02tyvg&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]It’s always masked-up Queers, the Feds, and the retards. [/quote] Why not the daily trifecta… [embed]https://twitter.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1784271276762349953[/embed] …that is the FBI....
[quote]The Root Straight From Black News and Black Views with a Whole Lotta Attitude.[/quote] [img]https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/06/079003533.jpg?quality=90&strip=all[/img] This Greek MF’er used the exact same argument, 45 years ago, that these racist blacks are using tod...
[quote]Currently sitting in downtown okc. All clear so far but there’s a very eerie feeling in the air.[/quote] Yeah, just came off the river in Hermann, Mo. 45 minutes ago it’s ridiculously calm and sticky for April. Sky has turned into that eerie orange and we were like time for portage. It’s h...
No intention to derail. Beautiful, intricate piece of work. Weren’t those considered proof that “bricks could fly”?...
[quote]Not what I was expecting[/quote] No shite [img]https://media.allure.com/photos/62fab84f55dddbd0ca615c61/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/hunter%2520mcgrady%2520swimsuit%2520sports%2520illustrated%25202022.jpg[/img] :angry:...
This guy spots the difference… [embed]https://x.com/hodgetwins/status/1783545653563650098?s=42&t=EJUmjsWkOKNbruZDMSY0CQ[/embed]...
[quote]He probably called him the n word.[/quote] Well since the bus driver is black, you’re more than likely correct. :lol:...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMGhOs1XcAAYFzo?format=png&name=small[/img] That is why I have to pay for private education. They say a picture says a 1,000 words? Yup....