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Location:Baton Rouge, LA
Biography:LSU graduate student
Number of Posts:7
Registered on:11/6/2019
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re: Joe Brady --> FSU

Posted by mind_of_the_tiger on 11/6/19 at 12:29 pm
Kliff Kingsbury is an NFL head coach after he got fired from his alma mater and went 5-7 with Patrick Mahomes. But yeah, this scenario could NEVER happen....

re: Joe Brady --> FSU

Posted by mind_of_the_tiger on 11/6/19 at 12:21 pm
I agree entirely. I think it would be a bad move for him, and a bad move for whoever hires him. However, it's not completely unreasonable to recognize the possibility that it could happen. Not sure why there are so many triggered snowflakes upset about a simple question....

re: Joe Brady --> FSU

Posted by mind_of_the_tiger on 11/6/19 at 12:18 pm
(No Message)...

Joe Brady --> FSU

Posted by mind_of_the_tiger on 11/6/19 at 12:11 pm
How likely are we to lose Joe Brady? It would seem to me that, at his age, he is not ready to run a program. Notwithstanding, if LSU doesn't promote him to OC and give him a significant raise, it is not hard for me to see him taking his talents elsewhere. Additionally, even with a promotion and rais...
Good luck getting liquor past TSA and Secret Service, Chief....
Y'all should just monetize John Frey's Twitter account...

re: O driving players to rehab

Posted by mind_of_the_tiger on 11/6/19 at 11:57 am
Since when do people go to rehab for weed?...