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re: U.S. Army CGSC Advice?

Posted by SlabCrab on 11/26/23 at 5:40 pm
It's only a lot of reading if you do it....
It gets busy in the sense that you will likely have to wait in a short line for one of the six auto belays, including the two on the race wall. When you go you pay for the day so when we go we get there in the morning and make a day of it. As I remember, the gym becomes members only at a certain p...
[quote]Wanna be a bad guy who kills random people? Go ahead.[/quote] No Russian....
I was in June. Between the BART and Uber I had no problems....
Someone pussed out on the fourth "f"....
Someone que up the lab in Wuhan. The last boomer remover didn't do the job, we need another one....
400 # of filet mignon at the national guard armory...
No one washes their hands. They just run the water in the sink so the guy in the stall thinks they washed their hands. And then they touch the faucet, the paper towel dispenser and the door pull on the way out....
This is the quality content that I come to the OT for....
It just took the Boomer Remover a couple weeks to figure out he wasn't in the target demographic and move on. It's the virus we deserve....
Because teachers act like they're all underpaid martyrs when in reality they're on the same curve as cops. 10% great, 10% good, 50% ok, 30% bad. ...
I'm pro multiple co-morbidity deaths. Maybe if the consequence of a life of poor health choices is death we'll be able to change the thinking in this state. At the very least they're coming off the public dole....
I hate these guys, every time they walk up to me I think about spraying them with gas....
No earlier than 1 June is our current guidance but I'm going to make this last, might run a fever 30 May....
I don't blame you for wanting your trash to "float" away but if you want to get rid of your culture you'll have to kill it yourselves. Traffic's bad enough already....
I'm getting paid for 10 hour days and working 2 hour days. Let's make this last for as long as we can....