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Registered on:7/6/2019
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re: Cab Over Semi 18 Wheeler's

Posted by F1y0n7h3W4LL on 5/7/24 at 11:40 am
Some drivers say they'd like about 5 ft of diesel engine in front of them (not under) if they're about to rear end another rig....
It was a few months for me. When I did lapse, cigarettes then had a horrible taste....
Sell something other than that burnt arse Italian swill. Also, keep your stores and employees out of the political fray...

re: Meanwhile down da bayou

Posted by F1y0n7h3W4LL on 5/5/24 at 9:22 pm
337 area code [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.1RZGR5a6u7fxLmiGnAkANgAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=37fdd407188150a17acca2a107e93dec075355efee7c3564cd25da9692a7b687&ipo=images[/img]...
Meh.. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi.kinja-img.com%2Fgawker-media%2Fimage%2Fupload%2Fs--RGmYJtTa--%2F17oskq9jniazojpg.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=73fbdee7357da8c733fbfa11f1379bd365240c8b800b2edbedcbc265b6f4cb3b&ipo=images[/img]...
...or Silver City and White Sands. I even enjoyed working a while in Alamogordo and TorC. I met people of all kinds in those places, quirky old artists, burnt out rodeo champs and a few off beat musicians. Albuquerque pretty much sucked. ...
Not for any reason other than I just don't like being around a lot of people I don't know in general....
Hmmm... [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimage.cnbcfm.com%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fimage%2F106235006-1573247383418ap_8911110123.jpg%3Fv%3D1573247471&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=35fbfbe5c85b382fda97323ce04894e6c5a61d52f5a1b8f5817e401126435f2c&ipo=images[/img]...
[link=(https://www.fox8live.com/2022/05/11/man-accused-killing-lsu-superfan-big-lee-martin-dies-illness/)]Big Lee / Higgins story[/link]...
Been to them all. I choose Iowa, then Rhode Island....

re: Help when you can

Posted by F1y0n7h3W4LL on 5/5/24 at 2:43 pm
Good on you! I believe that most folks still care about their neighbor but over the past generation, people have lost touch with them. Now that we have central heat and air, we no longer have front porches and see each other regularly and have become invisible to our neighbors. Contributing...
Could be the beginning of the [link=(https://www.gotquestions.org/great-apostasy.html)]Great Apostasy[/link] [i]"In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Paul makes it clear that the day of the Lord, a time of worldwide judgment (Isaiah 13:6; Obadiah 1:15), will not transpire until two things happen. First, the f...
[quote] Maybe he should have turned on his lights and siren instead turning in front of him and causing a bad wreck.[/quote] According to the YouTube link, the cop had his blue lights on but it looks like he could have gotten out of his cruiser and just flagged him down....
[quote]Wealthy white Louisiana residents win right to form their own city....[/quote] Shazam! ... and just like that, you're wealthy!...
I enjoyed checking them out but never considered buying one....
To get the true Popeyes experience, i would suggest they bring in the crew from the Dutchtown location for a few weeks so they can get that true Louisiana charm....

re: Chili's might end McDonald's

Posted by F1y0n7h3W4LL on 4/30/24 at 8:09 pm
I assumed Chilis was on the ropes. Not sure if just one item on the menu can revive them. On another note, I see that Burger Doodle on Siegen has boarded up their windows too....

re: Do you sleep with the tv on?

Posted by F1y0n7h3W4LL on 4/30/24 at 7:55 pm
I've awakened at 2 AM and couldn't go back to sleep so I turned the TV on, volume down, and on the most boring network TV show possible. Puts me to sleep handily....
[quote]What are they going to do? Clone your dumb redneck arse?[/quote] I know of two cases where children sent off DNA samples. The results revealed some 40+ year old indiscretions that have ripped apart two families. No thanks, just let sleeping dogs lie. ...