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Location:Chasing the Sun
Number of Posts:322
Registered on:6/3/2019
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[quote]Well the Romans killed him[/quote] Jews killed him when they selected Barabbas over Jesus, Pontius Pilot just carried out their decision. [quote]not to mention he WAS Jewish[/quote] Hey, did you ever hear the one about the self hating jew? ...
[quote]You fully feel Hamas was justified in kidnapping women and children, raping them, and killing them. Because they're Jews.[/quote] I said ask the jews... what you interpret it as is on you [quote]You are sick piece of shite.[/quote] :cool: [quote]I'm sure you also think the Holocaus...
[quote]So the Israelis should have just rolled over when October 7th happened? [/quote] What happened before October 7th? Did the Palestinians just wake up one day and say let's just start shite? [quote]You think kidnapping, raping, and killing women and children is justified?[/quote] Ask t...
[quote]I read about all these Irish parliamentary actions condemning Israel and supporting Palestine. I also have some Irish friends and all they post on social media is support for Palestine and bad things about Israel. Why is this? Am I missing a cultural pull here?[/quote] I guess you ar...

re: Hip Hop and Rappers are evil

Posted by Auslander on 5/18/24 at 2:25 pm
[quote]They promote rape, murder, drug use, etc. It is the single worst culture this country has ever had. They encourage youth serving time in prison. They love gangs. There isn’t a single redeeming thing about the entire industry. Nothing. The Diddy video is just the very top most tip of ...
If you aren't up to something shady, then you shouldn't be afraid for people to look into your closets. I dont' undertasnd politicians who want people to vote them into power, but as soon as they get it, want to shield themselves. And this isn't jhust a republican thing, Dims do it too (look at L...
[quote]Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country.[/quote] my God are they a whiny bunch....always playing the sad song. NO ONE CARES...

re: Netanyahu is a serious problem.

Posted by Auslander on 5/9/24 at 8:58 pm
[quote] You mean sorta like Ukraine ?[/quote] Yup.....And what religion is the president of Ukraine? ...

re: Netanyahu is a serious problem.

Posted by Auslander on 5/9/24 at 8:49 pm
[quote] It’s absolutely none of our business who they elect.[/quote] It sure as hell is our business when our AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS are going to a foreign country instead of our own citizens. Please don't be a shabos goy...

re: Anti-Semitism Law

Posted by Auslander on 5/2/24 at 11:11 am
Ill say it again, the Jews are not here for us. The bible says the jews will never have a homeland. The jews in Israel will destroy the world.... There is a reason for thousand of years every culture, society, empire has despised them.........the truth is the truth. They killed our savior, they...

re: Ideal titty size?

Posted by Auslander on 4/29/24 at 5:58 pm
Don't you mean dick size, you f@ggie...
[quote]So why is there no coverage??? [/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/Ig60s6pX2ugAAAAC/money-dance-money-rain.gif[/img]...
Lot easier said than done. This building's plumbing system would essentially need to be torn out and have new pipes installed to handle all the water needed for residential or hotel uses. Normally commercial buildings don't have the right infrastructure in place to handle a conversion easily (HV...
Sounds like it's Hydrolocked. Like other posters said, better to call insurance and let them total it. ...
[quote]Dr. Perez highlighted the recent series of losses the university family has faced, including students, colleagues, and supporters[/quote] Clintons doing work...
[quote]I hope we can expand this war into Iran. [/quote] Hahah let me know how that works out....there is a reason why no one has gone to war with Iran.... Ask Iraq and Saddam how that 8 years war went with Iran. ...
Thanks for confirming to everyone what a loser you are...... he even upvoted his own previous comment....dork :lol:...
Thanks for confirming to everyone what a loser you are...... he even upvoted his own previous comment....dork :lol:...
Thanks for confirming to everyone what a loser you are...... he even upvoted his own previous comment....dork :lol:...
[quote]OK so you genocide away all the jews. Then what?[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/31e5d010-6711-48be-9603-9660b70c3b6b_text.gif[/img] [quote]what an imbecilic statement[/quote] Now use your words and tell us why....and don't use the Balfour declaration as your basis of argument :lol:...