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Registered on:4/18/2019
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You have never been to any concert, professional sporting event or a Trump rally if that is only 8k. You may want it to be only 8k but it’s not. You sound foolish and I doubt you realize it. ...

re: Can Trump really win?

Posted by CaptainDave on 5/11/24 at 6:34 pm
There will absolutely be another “pandemic” May not be a virus but make no mistake they will drum something up. ...
I agree completely. We can eat ourselves into oblivion but god forbid we take something extra while we work out. ...
Worked for a company out of Mexico. Was basically the middle man between them and the company we were working for. They were nice enough but realized they are lazy. Americans just think they work hard because we have no work ethic these days. They are humble lazy and we are entitled lazy. I...
I get a 3.1% yearly raise and am very thankful for it. ???????...
If this story is true then call them out. Zero percent chance I’d sit there idle and let some dude scam me. That’s coming from the most docile person ever. I want no confrontations ever but also know when to draw the line in the sand. ...
Well, they are just products of their environment. Blah, Blah, Blah. It’s weird that every place in America that has a large majority of blacks also had a large crime rate. It’s almost like a continent that I’ve heard of but in America. Weird. ...

re: Rise of Disabled Veterans

Posted by CaptainDave on 12/23/23 at 5:05 pm
Where I work it pays to be a disable vet. I know 100% that a lot of people take advantage of it. There’s one guy that’s been out for 10 years, weighs 350+ pounds and got an increase for knee problems. When I finished my enlistment they basically told us we better get at least 3% Anyone wh...
There must be a black side, not sure at this point. ...
Not watching, I’m as docile as they come but just reading the title wants me to lose it. ...
If you cite the Bible then you already know the answer. The end is inevitable so putting a bandaid over a bullet wound is only a short term approach. I don’t think people roll over but just know it will work itself out. ...
There’s a couple things this society promotes, one being a victim that requires pity. The second is be “original”. Claiming something like autism puts you in a low percentile group. That makes you different and your social status depends on it. Same thing a Harley guy does with his badge of ...
This is exactly the problem. “Turning out George Floyd’s”? You are and always will be a victim. You’re the problem. Teaching people they are victims and it’s someone else’s fault is counter productive. You have a weak mind and it’s sad. America is the hardest country in the world to be poo...
Cannot wrap my mind around how a massive group of people just can’t see what is happening to them. It’s right in front of their face and they just keep following their handlers. Incredible. ...

re: Jeep Wagoneer debacle

Posted by CaptainDave on 10/15/23 at 1:01 pm
Went to lunch with a coworker a week ago that has one. Extremely nice but I would never pay 100k for any vehicle let alone a jeep product. ...
I believe that God had a plan for all of us. If we surrender ourselves and accept him as our lord and savior things will work out. Doesn’t mean everything will go as you plan but if you try your best to do things the right way then it will work out. ...
Not our fight, my son leaves in a week on deployment. His carrier will be gone six months and I don’t want us fighting some war that’s never going to end. Both sides of this crap hate each other and will fight until the bitter end. ...
I have a son in the military and I can assure you that I’d rather have Trump than any democrat. ...

re: GM ceo makes 29 million a year

Posted by CaptainDave on 9/16/23 at 4:39 pm
Are they being forced to work there? Is the ceo making people drive those cars? Is she breaking the law? ...
Yes it’s the demographics, determine what those are and there you go. ...