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Registered on:10/22/2018
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[quote]How in the world would that not be infringing? [/quote] How in the world are 'concealed carry licenses' not infringing? Also (rather large picture, but worth.) [img]https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/firearmspolicycoalition/pages/2748/attachments/original/1496169221/compromise_v21....
Reminder: In 2016, Democrats got the lowest percentage of the white vote in more than 40 years. That's why they support open borders. That's why their version of the national motto has become 'diversity (read: chasing down the last white person) is our strength.' [quote]What is the end game for...
[quote]College is no longer "EDUCATION" A more accurate description would be "Credentialing"[/quote] That's been true for [b]decades[/b]. But at least you people are starting to notice....
[quote]Inaccurate. [/quote] So, quick question, which of these would you consider conservative, or even centrist? [img]https://i.imgur.com/zLvJ6X6.jpg[/img]...
And? Expect next to nothing from CNN, MSNBC, etc. Remember Eric Clanton? The antifa **** in Berkeley who hit the dude over the head with a metal bike lock? Turns out he hit 6 other people in the head. 7 times he tried to murder somebody. He was given probation. CNN never wrote a single arti...
[quote]the post was referring to mcCain and yes Trump, did indeed mock a disabled reporter. To say he didnt is just flat out a lie and flys in the face of video evidence. [/quote] He also mocked Ted Cruz in the same exact fashion. That's how he mocks people. But you and your degenerate kind ha...
[quote]ETA: Trump hasn’t even visited the troops in Afghanistan. If I was in the military being sent to the border and told to commit the war crime of killing someone with a rock in their hand because the president says rocks are to be treated “like rifles,” I’m not sure I’d be too happy about being...
Shep Smith is a gay Democrat. He won't ever lose his job, regardless of what he does, because he checks off too many diversity boxes....
Doesn't matter. The original claim is already out there. That's good enough for most Americans. Because most Americans are fricking retarded sacks of shite....
[quote]3,000,000 more of your fellow citizens voted for the democratic candidate for president in 2016 than voted for the republican candidate. It didn't do a bit of good in deciding the outcome.[/quote] Because it's not decided by national popular vote. Nothing is. We don't live in a true demo...

re: When does TX turn blue?

Posted by lulznop on 10/30/18 at 11:50 am
[quote]be specific please[/quote] As long as Republicans believe in borders, border hoppers will vote for Democrats. That's what he meant. But the left likes to lump all border hoppers in with all legal immigrants because... um......
[quote]Wow, do you spew off crap without even thinking or what? A basic Google search would have saved you the embarrassment.[/quote] Your "gotcha" just proves me more right. Non-whites are massively over-represented when it comes to government handouts. The US is 62%~ white, yet according to t...

re: If Trump is right on birthright E.O.

Posted by lulznop on 10/30/18 at 9:18 am
1. Sadly, the border hopping scum will keep it. 2. No. Send them back to the shitholes of their parents. 3. wat...
[quote]The irony of a bunch of Southerners from poor states, states receiving FAR more federal tax dollars back than they put in, complaining about "freebies" is not lost on those of us with a functioning brain.[/quote] In an average month; 13.2% of whites 17.8% of asians/pacific islanders 3...
They're against foreign interference, unless it helps them. Look at the out-of-state funding that goes to Democrats in these big races (Doug Jones, Robert O'Rourke.)...
I'd like to see some of those blue helmets landing on American soil. Give me some good target practice....
[quote]The funny thing is the “melting pot” idea of American multiculturism...[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4bmD1zs.png[/img]...
Trump should end this practice. Sports contributes nothing of value to society. We lionize retards because they can put a ball in a hoop, or throw a ball, or kick a ball, or hit a ball. It's embarrassing....
[quote]Just to be clear, he called every major media outlet except Fox News the “enemy of the people”.[/quote] And even they are more negative than positive towards Trump. [img]https://i.imgur.com/SZvZsgd.png[/img]...