Favorite team:Nicholls St.
Number of Posts:6
Registered on:12/18/2016
Online Status:Not Online

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re: I want a college football game so bad

Posted by Paper on 12/24/16 at 9:48 pm
I remember one of the baseball games had all the players the same but for some reason they didn't have Barry Bonds. They did just happen to have this lefty named like Joe Smith or something like that which looked exactly like Barry. ...

re: MWR gameplay question

Posted by Paper on 12/24/16 at 8:59 pm
This gameplay is just so stagnet from what I'm used to. You've got so many people just sitting there with an m16 looking down the sites so when someone runs by they shoot. To me the multiplayer is overrated on this game. No ways it's the best COD. ...

re: MWR gameplay question

Posted by Paper on 12/24/16 at 5:51 pm
I mean I know I'm not great, I'm only good at close quarters combat. I should still have just over a 1.0 kd. I think I'm going to give that a try even though I have no idea how to do that. ...

MWR gameplay question

Posted by Paper on 12/24/16 at 4:34 pm
I have a question about mulitplayer on Xbox live. I've just started playing and I've been doing really shitty. I was at a 1.65 kd on blops 2 and now I'm at a .62 on MWR. I know part of it is I'm not used to the big maps and the domination of Assault Rifles compared to SMGs on BLOPs2. One thing I've ...