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re: Anllela Sagra (NSFW)

Posted by The Macho King on 6/22/16 at 10:44 am
[quote]No butthole licking reference like the last 2 threads you started? [/quote] Sorry. I would eat her dirtstar crust on a reduced fat wheat thin and savor every crumb...
[quote]Here she is in 30 years [/quote] Speaking of which -- why doesn't that chick have a forehead :confused:...

Anllela Sagra (NSFW)

Posted by The Macho King on 6/22/16 at 10:39 am
Probably a little too "hard" for some of you, but not for me [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/cc2aba45c3f408ff70899bdfd2a0da78/tumblr_o6xxpa7pnV1tfe282o1_1280.jpg[/img] [img]https://thefitgirlz.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/12552436_975570179189078_1527925405_n.jpg[/img] [img]https://lh3.go...
[quote]I don't know about eating arse attractive[/quote] That's OK -- I'll do enough knowing for the both of us :cheers:...
[quote]DAT NOSE [/quote] What nose?...
This, my friends, is Carlie Jo, owner of Bikini Beans Espresso in Kent, WA. I'd very much like to put my tongue on her holes including the brown one on which I'd do an Iverson cross-over with my tongue. Just curious, do the Tigers play the Huskies again at their place anytime soon? [img]http...

re: Gatlinburg recs please

Posted by The Macho King on 6/22/16 at 7:12 am
Pancake Pantry Crockett's Breakfast Camp Applewood Farmhouse Holston's...
[quote]I don't lick the poop shoot...not even for her [/quote] Are you crazy? If she stuck that arse in my face I'd lick her monkey button like an ice cream cone. ...
Would gobble the dirt star. [img]http://i68.tinypic.com/detb8g.jpg[/img] [img]http://i67.tinypic.com/3462jp0.png[/img] [img]http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/9962416/640full-josefine-forsberg.jpg[/img] [img]http://ilarge.lisimg.com/image/9962411/1080full-josefine-forsberg.jpg[/img] [img]htt...
When I was a teen we used to ride out bikes to the Pittsburgh Airport and go around collecting those little carts that people would just leave. We'd cash em in and then use the quarters at the bad-arse arcade they had there. Karate Champ, Double Dragon, Kung Fu Master... good times...
This guy was my favorite... also got busted twice [img]http://i68.tinypic.com/1z7zic.jpg[/img]...
[quote] People are in the water all day everyday with gators in Louisiana. I assume Florida too Just because u may not see them doesn't mean they aren't there [/quote] Exactly my point. And every once in a while, you'll hear of a gator biting/attacking someone. It doesn't happen often, but ...
[quote]I'd imagine the difference in likelihood wouldn't be near as drastic as you believe. [/quote] Never said anything about it being "drastic" but it certainly wouldn't hurt. It would be one more preventative measure in place. You can never be too safe....
[quote]They can't really totally control the gator population. They shoudl do their best, but ultimately they can't be perfect int hat regard. What they can do is not build a beach that invites people to go down to the water. What they can do is post warning signs about the gators for people from ot...
[quote]If they didn't want liability, they wouldn't have a resort at all. shite happens. You can't warn and put a sign up for every single thing that can happen. "Warning: The Sun Can Burn Your Skin" "Warning: Don't Look Up Or a Disney Bird Could shite In Your Eye" [/quote] Totally different. Th...
You might swim safely with gators once, or even a hundred times. But sooner or later, you'll get bit....
I've seen them all over, especially during my trips to Mexico, Bahamas, etc. Those resorts do not want any liability....