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Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:19
Registered on:3/11/2015
Online Status:Not Online

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1. Eric Stratton [link=(]LINK[/link] 2. 6 Months 3. Yes 4. Made a derogatory comment concerning Colin Kaepernick 5. No 6. "I pledge not to violate any rules or regulations established or instated by TD". - Eric 7. Thank you TD Admins for p...
Csb. I bet you want a cookie and some warm milk with that story now...
Played soccer my whole and finally started watching after the 06 World Cup. Didn't choose a team, but my two favorite players were Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard. Once the transfer was complete prior to 07-08 season, Liverpool had become my favorite club. Have stuck with them ever since YNWA...
2014 Bama wins 59-0 2013 Bama wins 49-42 2012 A&M wins 29-24 Seems to me the only blowout happened last year. Nice try there bub...
When I was in high school, we were drug tested. It wasn't very effective because it seemed like the same kids we're being tested week in and week out even though they weren't drug users. ...
Heck I would. If he'd of been drafted he could've ended up at a worse organization that most likely wouldn't make the playoffs. It's his best option and he can go in and potentially be a starter. Plus they probably slid him a good amount under the table...
Just sounds like you're a little butthurt LSU blew the game yesterday...
You can add 2014-15 as another year they have yet to win SECT. Will lose in third round of tourney IMO...
SS you ever gonna try less to troll others in these threads? All Ive noticed is weak attempts to troll. Try less...
Sorry man. We don't like to see other guys have success onTinder when we can't ...
Tis what it tis dawg....just chilling with muh goons...
Hey SS. How ya doing?...
Yea quit hard legging the newbies SS...
That New Iberia though.....
Glad you're a pussy...