Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:418
Registered on:10/17/2013
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Check out Yealink. They’ve come out with some really good stuff lately. But of your list, I’ve seen the best results from Sennheiser. Are you connecting this to a desk phone or softphone? If you are using a softphone, sign up for krisp.io. It’s an app that does active noise canceling better tha...
Had a problem at one point but seems to have cleared up. Just turned on WiFi calling and was rolling. ...
[quote]We need a men's CSAA league. Let the youngins have their fun but give me a St. Aloysius vs St. George game with a bunch of white fellas in their 40's.[/quote] Baton Rouge's Ortho doctors and PT's. [img]https://i.imgflip.com/38iqvl.png[/img]...
[quote]Ennio Morricone[/quote] [quote]Thomas Newman[/quote] Ooo. Some really good ones there....
Orchestral music has been around for centuries but it continues to have wide-reaching impacts in our modern culture. In no place is this more apparent in modern pop culture than in movie scores and soundtracks. While time will tell if cinematic composers will garner the same historical notorie...

re: Budgeting App

Posted by The Next on 12/30/23 at 12:12 pm
[quote]Mint will cease to exist in like 36 hours. [/quote] I rescind my recommendation. :lol: Was not aware of that. ...

re: Budgeting App

Posted by The Next on 12/30/23 at 11:46 am
Check out Mint. It has budgeting tools and may be able to connect to your bank. Free but there’s a ton of ads. ...
While technically true, there is no QoS on the public internet, it really isn’t an issue anymore. QoS is only needed where bandwidth is limited so it gives proper priority to certain traffic, and that is generally only needed on a local network and at the firewall/router. Networks nowadays are more...
I re-read your OP and have some additional thoughts. Whenever I see problems like what you describe, 9/10 times I find SIP ALG enabled. Most of the time it is a setting in the firewall and each manufacture may call it something different. It may be called SIP Inspection or SIP Transformations...
Based on your OP, I would first suggest that you thank your current provider for his time servicing you and politely tell him you are going another direction, and the leave as quickly as you can. Any VoIP provider that doesn’t even know what a VLAN is needs to go ahead and retire. Thats the problem ...

re: Bing AI image generator try outs

Posted by The Next on 11/15/23 at 10:38 am
The f-ed up Pixar movie posters inspired me to do a little juxtaposition of existing kids movies. [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG.oCO0N1xVXp._SceYWz7c?pid=ImgGn[/img] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG.TzNUOrlAOBkSY.I0PHb9?pid=ImgGn[/img] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG.rMCEJXvyUbbVGI...
Pro tip: Close all your tabs quickly by pressing and holding the squares at the bottom right. A menu will open and the first option will be to close all tabs. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/9X8s5XDT/IMG-1819.png[/img]...
What’s the German word for “bra”? Stopemfromfloppen. ...
[quote]It’s an idiotic thing but I’ve just always found that dumb that so many “technicians” with no college degree get called engineers.[/quote] And I've met quite a few degreed "engineers" that I wouldn't trust to plunge my toilet much less perform their trade. A degree and a passed exam doesn...
[quote]not someone who went to a real university and got an engineering degree, then passed the FE exam, and then got his PE so he can be officially called an "engineer".[/quote] For your average regional and local acts, you are probably right. Most of these “sound guys” can get pretty good with ...