Favorite team:Alabama 
Interests:Football, Hunting, Grilling
Number of Posts:13562
Registered on:8/23/2012
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Correct, I was responding to the poster that quoted an Amazon part for much cheaper. I was just pointing out Amazon's trash parts.[/quote] Yeah I supposedly bought a set of OEM TPMS sensors on Amazon. All 4 failed within a year. Pisses me off every time I see that light on my dash. ...
Sure. But I would rather go after Obama for killing us citizens with drones. Without due process. Hang that bastard from the neck until dead....
[quote]This is pillow fight shite. Walk at a police line an see what happens.[/quote] Im hoping for tear gas, bite dogs, and nightsticks....
We were going to try and prep some proteins for Here to Serve tomorrow. Doing 600# of chicken breasts and 48 butts. (To vacuum seal and freeze). We were planning for what may be an active hurricane season but now it looks like we might be needed in Tennessee or somewhere. If anyone has signific...
[quote]The body can go 40 days without food. They have a ways to go.[/quote] Some liberal bodies can go far longer. :lol:...

re: Ivanka Trump

Posted by alphaandomega on 5/8/24 at 1:13 pm
[quote]Now do any other first daughter ever.[/quote] Or compare her to Kamalas daughter. [img]https://people.com/thmb/xvaM2DU0_YmqfrRe_sfNpBdWBFE=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(749x0:751x2)/ella-emhoff-091622-2-5b788bdad936453f9326dae1f74ed22e.jpg[/img] ...
Yes. Just looked it up on truth. Thats hilarious. ...
[quote]Why can’t the paper ballots be seen then?[/quote] Because the were stored in the shredder ....
[quote]dude is real pissed he can't get a boner [/quote] Fanni has that effect... :lol:...

re: Stormy testimony yesterday

Posted by alphaandomega on 5/8/24 at 12:42 pm
[quote]So Trump had sex? So what? [/quote] That make me disappointed in Trump. I thought he had better taste that the skanky whore. Ivana, Marla, Melania, and Karen McDougal were all top shelf. Kinda reminds me of Hugh Grant and that prostitute... while he had Elizabeth Hurley at home. :lo...

re: Do we need a new FBI building?

Posted by alphaandomega on 5/8/24 at 12:37 pm
Instead we should build a prison and put the top half of the FBI (and DOJ) administration in it. Maybe on the mall in DC, and it could have glass walls so people can walk by and see what happens when you use your authority for evil purposes....
I have a 2008 Sierra that has had minimal problems. It originally had the oil issue but the dealer fixed that under warranty. Since then I have only had to do pretty regular maintenance. Off the top of my head I have done brakes, batteries, and alternator, timing belt. I just replaced all th...
[quote]The judge knows if he does, he's a marked man. Not by me, but someone would get justice on his arse.[/quote] We should bring back tarring and feathering. MTAFGA isnt as snappy as MAGA though, maybe someone could come up with something better. :lol:...

re: So, what's next?

Posted by alphaandomega on 5/7/24 at 4:19 pm
[quote]So, what's next?[/quote] Hopefully Trump wins and he Deports every single illegal alien and their rug rats from our country. Deport any non-citizen student who participated in these protests. And its too much to ask for but I would love for him to fire half of the DOJ and FBI and re...
He could always resign and go to work at Dollar General....
I really hope he isnt the pick....
[quote]This seems fake...[/quote] Well its on the internet so its gotta be true. :lol:...