Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Biography:Bleed a little purple and gold - enough to not be able to pry myself from living too far from campus because then I wouldnt be the host of the party.
Interests:Football, Music, Movies - not necessarily in that order.
Occupation:Clinical Trials - Pennington Biomedical
Number of Posts:174
Registered on:9/22/2005
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

We went to Poppy's in Destin Commons for the UNT game and they had PPV, espn3, etc. games playing for some folks - TONS of TVs and if they have access to it they'll play it. There were lots of LSU fans there a few weeks ago. They were playing the FSU game through the internet - a bit grainy on tho...
Mathernes on highland has them as well....

re: MIke the Tiger at the Game

Posted by TigerBeech on 10/6/09 at 9:44 pm
he's already made an appearance this year...twice he came down the hill and around the stadium. they don't force him in there obviously..so its up to him, but i'd bet he'll show....
i doubt he even considers it 'beratement' considering its only the idiots who don't get it - no need to even try to explain to them and its been this way for years. I like seeing the different ways to calculate rankings - shows us how small of a factor can make a big difference and sometimes I wish ...