Favorite team:LSU 
Location:New Orleans
Biography:LSU grad
Occupation:Health Care
Number of Posts:11
Registered on:10/4/2009
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re: Ochsner Fires 280 Unvaxxed Workers

Posted by Big Don on 12/3/21 at 3:48 pm
This whole corona virus disaster is so bizarre. All the Faucites use the same discussion points and never address the “con” arguments. Sadly most doctors are drinking the Kool Aid and spout the same nonsense. There is no place for nuance are contrary opinions. Even Tylenol has a warning label. Surel...
Not sure but kelly did beat us every time we played. So Kelly would seem to be a step up....
If the income tax were abolished, I would prefer the consumption tax. Things being the way they are, I am quite concerned the income tax won’t be abolished and we will have both....
As some one who supported Miles until he was fired, I could not stand how cringe worthy his coaching was. It was cute at first because he seem to pull victories out, but then he stopped winning. All sorts of procedural penalties. Delay of game AFTER a time out. Too many men on the field, the quarter...
One out, man on first and third. Why not a bunt?...

Beacher Report

Posted by Big Don on 9/21/12 at 11:46 am
Is it just I or does everyone have problems with the Beacher Report website? My fast computers, my slow computers--all are so slow loading the pages. My computers lock up and have to be rebooted, frequently. Also, it is designed to require a lot of pages to load to read one article. I enjoy some o...
The question is:" If we beat Alabama again this year will we have to play them again in the NC?"...

re: Place we got Mike from closed down?

Posted by Big Don on 7/24/12 at 5:14 pm
PETA should jump in the lake. Mike has it better than most people in the world. They will fight us getting another, although I think the Vetinary school should help out. That being said, having pets of my own, they are much happier and better adjusted when we have two, preferably of the opposite ...

re: The Big Eye Doesn’t Lie

Posted by Big Don on 11/9/09 at 5:44 am
Remember the 2006 Auburn game. The fix was in for LSU to get beat....