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Location:South of the Mason-Dixon Line
Biography:Retired Army Ranger & Part-time Male Model
Interests:Hot women, writing poetry, Growing Day Lillies & breeding Miniature Horses
Occupation:Bounty Hunter & Bail Bondsman
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Registered on:9/8/2009
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re: Has Biden cured cancer yet?

Posted by Lutcher Lad on 5/7/24 at 6:41 am
Biden can't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions printed on the heel, much less accomplish anything of positive value to the U.S. He will go down in history as the worst president ever....and the good thing for Jimmy Carter is that he's still alive to see it!...

re: Slot machines are sad to me...

Posted by Lutcher Lad on 5/6/24 at 11:55 am
Yeah, the one idiot who constantly downvotes in this thread is a money grubbing maggot just waiting for his/her inheritence. Shameful P.O.S!...
Milley is a traitor....he admits that he was ignoring the sitting president of the U.S, and ready to form a coup. I would be willing to fire a shot as one of the members in the firing squad!...
Ain't it so sweet to see the evil Democratic trash being subjected to harsh treatment from the woke trash? The Demwits will eat their own, soon!...

re: Slot machines are sad to me...

Posted by Lutcher Lad on 5/6/24 at 10:11 am
[quote]Senior citizens bussed in from the nursing home to dump their child's inheritance.[/quote] A parent isn't obligated to leave an inheritance to their children. They earned what they have so let them be the ones who decide how to spend it. There are far too many greedy offspring in this wo...
Looking back at his opportunities this season and the way he responded tells me he is more of a liability to our success than an asset. He's had plenty of time to right the ship but he lost something along the way. If the coaches can't figure it out, I say cut him....
[quote]I wish that there was a way to see who downvotes threads like these.[/quote] Probably a direct descendant of one of the cowards who fled the country. Or a tender hearted liberal who thinks the freedoms we do enjoy in this country was just thrown at us by kind hearted countries who wanted ...
I was not a jumper, but I was in HHQ Company of the 101st Airborne Division as a 52B30. For all you civilians out there, that would be a generator mechanic. Worked alongside many heroes that were jumpers, coming back from Vietnam. The social environment at the time was pretty much comparable to...
How come no one ever talks about the Obamas? Don't they live in the predominantly black section of Martha's Vineyard? Apparently, they don't feel comfortable living among black folks, either!...

re: Proud of LSU Patriot Students!

Posted by Lutcher Lad on 5/4/24 at 4:14 pm
[quote]It is not “courageous” to go heckle those yo-yos.[/quote] I disagree, my brother! In today's social climate with all the cancel culture bullshite, etc. it sure is courageous for them to display pride in the U.S.A. and counter any left leaning rhetoric that so many young folks think is co...

Proud of LSU Patriot Students!

Posted by Lutcher Lad on 5/4/24 at 3:23 pm
Just when I thought all hope was gone for our country, I see the courageous young folks in Baton Rouge stand up for the U.S.A. and I couldn't be prouder than how I am feeling now. As an army veteran, I am saddened to see crowds of idiots shouting death to America and we're with Hamas! Never though...
Is this bait for a mass shooting lunatic? I'm no Nostradamus but it's bound to happen soon....
Most of these idiots are too scared to show their faces! If you're okay and proud about what you're doing, how about let the world know who you are? ...
FINALLY....SOME KIDS WITH COMMON SENSE! And American pride! :usa: :nana:...
The people have spoken. It's time the haters stop trying to overturn democracy. ...
Sounds like a good premise for a country song.... They can have their big cities, we don't care There's nothing we want, waiting there :nana:...
Had an electric 40 gallon low boy in my attic for 36 years before I changed the entire heater to another one just like it. Never once drained or flushed it out. I did change a burned out element a few times as needed but that was a small task any do it yourselfer could do. ...
[quote]Just wait until they are no longer the smallest percentage of the population.[/quote] We won't see that happen for a few generations, unless Biden suddenly brings in the entire population of Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Somalia as the newest illegals to live off of the American taxpayer....