Favorite team:Davidson
Biography:Graduated kingergarten, grade school and high school with honors. That's where the accolades end. Life laborer ever since.
Interests:Any and every sport and my kid.
Number of Posts:18
Registered on:6/19/2009
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Recent Posts

So the West Virginia game went like every other game last year including the OOC dogs. It's 2011. Last year means nothing...

UVA sets baseball

Posted by PicklePigFeets on 3/22/10 at 7:38 pm
Attendance record at homefield this weekend. 3,513. I thought it was funny...
Shouldering that load for a guy that size has to take a toll no matter the circumstance of the hit. Hopefully your wrong and he's tapped out. Ingram didn't beat us alone and neither did Tebow. They're gonna need more than him to beat us...
The Tennessee game or the South Carolina and Auburn games? Why do people on here seem so afraid of a team that couldn't beat a deflated and unrested Auburn team? I say Ole Miss blew their wad against UT and should have a down game or at the very least normal. McCluster can't run like that 2 weeks in...
Did we witness the death of the option experiment last night. I recall it tried once (to the short side of the field of course) and it was stopped. Hopefully we bury that page for the rest of the year irregardless of who is running it...
Chavis shut down D Mac and the wildcat in 07' i believe which really made out loss to them later that year all the more depressing. I really thought we would have followed his blueprint....
Glad you got away. Now you can do a Texas style curtain call to make the season complete....
Don't think it qualifies as admiration. More like mutual respect between myself and the guy that cleans out my septic tank. He has the tools and the willingness to do the job that i won't do. Either case it's much appreciated...
And thanks to you too rpg. For those of us out of range and who have to stare at a damn computer screen to follow a baseball game....
It was good luck all year. I know it was on tv. Just wanted to say thanks. Not stalk the guy....
It crossed my mind that he was possibly conflicted or in Omaha. Either way i thought he may have reappeared by now just to check in....
Been lurking all year following his game threads and noticed that he disappeared following the supers. Just wanted to thank him for a great job. No disrespect to rpg or thunderbird or any of the subs. They all did a fantastic job. :geauxtigers:...