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Registered on:1/17/2009
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I was wondering that myself!...
UPDATE: EBRSO has just reported the LA 190 bridge is back open in all directions after inspections determined a barge hitting it did no damage....
hahahah ok ok so I type quick and didn't check my spelling. :)...
from DOTD: "DOTD is closing the LA 190 bridge for inspections after it was struck by at least one barge a short while ago. MOHSEP says four grain barges are taking on water after coming loose from a tug in the river." ...
I asked GOHSEP about this sand boil on facebook (and linked to the video) and this was their response: [b]Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness[/b] [i]The USACE & Ponchatrain Levee District are aware of the sand boil and have been out to the site perform thei...
this is frightening. I hope it's not as bad as this video seem's to make it look....

re: so where is the water?

Posted by rhapsdy on 5/15/11 at 5:23 pm
and here's a picture from 30 minutes ago at the Butte la Rose rest stop - no water in sight yet (a friend took this picture): [img]http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/225305_1661728997157_1655168317_1221665_6217327_n.jpg[/img]...

re: so where is the water?

Posted by rhapsdy on 5/15/11 at 5:11 pm
Here is a picture of the front of the water from the morganza - photo was posted on facebook 3 hours ago from WBRZ [img]http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/228112_10150259620973689_116142683688_8830101_1310151_n.jpg[/img] "Photo from WBRZ photographer Chris Sasser who is hovering 6 mi...
thanks - I just embedded the images here - hope that works better. :)...
Here are some pictures from our drive down river road today from the Hollywood Casino Parking lot (which is merging with the River) all the way down to Gardere. Not the most awesome quality pictures as we were driving and there were massive amounts of cop and other officials that weren't allowing pe...
My husband and I ate at South of Philly this weekend and Hubby is requesting it for dinner tonight! LOL He grew up in Jersey and has long been wishing he could get a good cheese steak around town. The place on Jefferson near drusilla is ok he says, but the Bread and Rib eye steak at South of philly ...

re: Best Sushi in Baton Rouge

Posted by rhapsdy on 1/19/09 at 4:39 pm
By far the best sushi I've ever had in Baton Rouge is a Waka House, which is located on Sherwood almost at Coursey. The owner comes out and says hi almost every time. Sometimes he even gives you a new roll to try and give him ideas on if you like it or not. It's a very small place, but the rolls are...