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Interests:LSU Athletics, golf and the beach!
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Registered on:1/5/2009
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re: Basketball observations

Posted by WestCoastTiger80 on 11/25/09 at 8:47 pm
[quote]I said it in another thread, but Kinsley is better than Dotson and should be getting his minutes.[/quote] You've got to be kidding! Dotson will be a stud, just give him time (i.e. the month of Dec)....

re: Basketball observations

Posted by WestCoastTiger80 on 11/25/09 at 8:20 pm
I like CB at the point. His line tonight looked like a true PG. 2 assists, but more importantly 0 turnovers. If Storm keeps working he is going to be a beast. 15 and 7 tonight, against those big bodies from UConn......
Let this team learn this season... Storm = Beast, Dotson will come around... Next season Coach TJ brings in 4 solid players PLUS Malcolm White can play... [link=(http://insider.espn.go.com/ncb/recruiting/tracker/school?schoolId=99&action=login&appRedirect=http%3a%2f%2finsider.espn.go.com%2fn...
[quote]i liked how storm looked tonight.[/quote] I agree 15 and 7 against that front line. A very good stat line... the only problem is the fouls... which he needs to continue to work on. But even that has improved over past season...
The best part of this loss is that it shows our guys what it takes to be a top level team. Harris/Green/Warren got a good lesson in BIG EAST post play... Bob Knight is a joke!...
So what was the Knight/Dale Brown back story? Also, this team will be fine. We just need experience......
[quote]sorry. im a student and didnt reserve tickets by the 19th. i was planning to go but now i cant. o well. guess lsu should have sent more than one email two weeks ago about it if they wanted to get my attention. maybe they should pick a freakin system instead of playin this guessing game.[/quot...
Here you go, this should be the page: [link=(http://ev10.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ExecMacro/evenue/ev69/core/MyAccount.d2w/report?DB_OEM_ID=5200&linkID=lsu&msgCode=32000&shopperContext=ST&returnURL=/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList%3FlinkID%3Dlsu%26groupCode%3D%26RSRC%3D%26RDAT%3D%26shopper...

re: Pre-Game Student Lounge

Posted by WestCoastTiger80 on 2/13/09 at 10:48 pm
Didn't say, but I highly doubt it....

Pre-Game Student Lounge

Posted by WestCoastTiger80 on 2/13/09 at 10:44 pm
Just got an email about the game tomorrow and it mentioned a free pregame student lounge... Might be worth checking out, here are the details: Make sure to arrive early and get ready for the game in the Guaranty Radio Pre-Game Student Lounge. Relax inside the confines of the lounge area w...

re: Floating Heads

Posted by WestCoastTiger80 on 2/8/09 at 7:43 pm
Peter Griffin would be great :nana:...

re: Floating Heads

Posted by WestCoastTiger80 on 2/8/09 at 4:01 pm
What about a head for Mr. T or a hottie like Scarlett Johansson?...

re: Five game package deal...

Posted by WestCoastTiger80 on 2/3/09 at 8:12 pm
My brother just bought a set of these seats, seems like a great deal. :dude:...

Time to celebrate

Posted by WestCoastTiger80 on 1/28/09 at 9:19 pm
Bring on Arkansas and the 100th anniversary celebration... :geauxtigers: :dude: :geauxtigers:...
We will have depth within two years. Once Coach J gets a couple of recruiting cycles under his belt we will have a team that runs all over the SEC. :geauxtigers:...

re: The Arkansas Game

Posted by WestCoastTiger80 on 1/25/09 at 12:46 pm
Aside from supporting our Tigers, everyone needs to remember that next Saturday is also a celebration of the history of LSU Basketball ( :cool:). So everyone with a ticket needs to be there. Pack the PMAC again!...
Ahhh Maryland students, they are possibly the worst student to use as an example of what to do... Talk about totally classless....
[quote] i do. most of the cheers blow. and i sit in the student section [/quote] Why don't you list some cheers for the Maniacs instead of just being critical of what they yell... I'm sure that they would be more than happy to add them....

re: "Maravich Maniacs"

Posted by WestCoastTiger80 on 1/22/09 at 10:41 pm
yeah, you're cool....