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Location:North Shore
Number of Posts:3409
Registered on:9/2/2003
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[quote] Was this before or after you nailed your thesis of black ills to the Klan clubhouse door?[/quote] So weak. I make excellent points. You make childish jokes. One would have to conclude my views are unassailable, so my noble person must be attacked. I’ll accept your conclus...
[quote]Why is it great he's black?[/quote] I understood his proclamation as one of pride and I was being polite. Just how I am. ...
[quote]I'm a black dude. [/quote] Well that’s great! Congrats ...
[quote] It validates my assessment of you being a racist idiot politard. [/quote] But you didn’t answer the question ...
[quote]How is this idiot still posting here? [/quote] Very good Columbo! So you want to silence those you disagree with? Go ahead and dispute the facts I posted ;)...
[quote]I love it when politards get so pissed off they finally drop the pretense of not being completely racist.[/quote] Why do you love that other people are racist? Does it validate your racism?...
[quote]Yeah, but you could have picked a better thread to meltdown in [/quote] Not so sure. The absurdity the responses suggest this may have been the perfect thread. It’s exposed fear of ‘wrong’ speech, fear of big brother, fear of bad ideas, and fear of truth. Why ? I think this th...
[quote]But when you come smashing some half arse, ill-Conceived point with a mallet it destroys any nuance that could be gleaned. [/quote] But that was exactly my intent. Sheer stupidly can’t be argued with nuance. It can only be rebutted with the same. The original post was an attack ...
[quote] The white chick seems to be a bitch regardless of racial statistics[/quote] So what ? She’s a bitch. Why are all you Karen’s so afraid to make fun of blacks the same way you make fun of whites? Why is ignorant bigotry ok ridiculing white chick bit not the reverse ...
This has become pretty funny. I post some coarse, rude, caustic stuff and a bunch of Karen’s panic because I spoke the forbidden words. Are you really so scared of words?...
[quote]it puts the website at risk for surveillance and pressure, and then we will be less free to express ourselves.[/quote] Wow!! We in America or China? What kind of pussies are scared of speech. Yuh have to be a Russian bot ??...
[quote]Bruh, you can get away with more here than nearly anywhere else. Doesn’t mean you have to push the envelope and ruin it for other people. [/quote] I’m making a point. I’m exposing hypocrisy. Maybe people will get it. Maybe not. ...
[quote]You gon get banned dawg[/quote] Maybe. Someone has to have the balls to speak the truth. Too bad we have to worry about being banned for speech. Hate speech is ok as long as whites are the target, right?...
[quote] there it is. surprised it’s taken so long to finally see someone own it like this. congrats, i guess [/quote] Feel free to dispute any of the points I made. Oh. You can’t. So what do we do now? The facts support the bigot. That’s inconvenient. The apparently ignorant bigot is...
[quote]So many cops are pieces of shite Now, that’s unfair. There’s 100,000 plus cops in the US. Even if we had a bad cop story every day of the year, it wouldn’t be statistically significant[/quote] I don’t know. I used to be a law and order guy but don’t run into many good cops anymore. The...
You idiot You could have a camera on me my entire life and not see me beat up a 74 year old woman. Cops are out of control. They act like morons because moronic boot lickers like you excuse their animalistic behavior. No mailman has EVER killed a dog, yet deal with them every day. Cops k...
So many cops are pieces of shite So many. ...
[quote]The specifics of Gender norms are fluid, but the existence of gender norms is not. If a male chooses to wear the current culture’s gender norm opposite, it’s for a reason. It’s to challenge the very concept of gender norms. [/quote] What a total f/&:info idiotic collection of meaningless t...
Agreed. What a waste of valuable bandwidth. ...