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Registered on:9/25/2008
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Meant no harm by starting this thread. ...
[quote]Yet more indisputable proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder. [/quote] No fair. Miss Lindsey hasn't come out yet. ...
Shame on her for portraying straight characters. ...
[quote]His tits aren't bad[/quote] Those are pecs....
[link=(https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/oscar-nominated-umbrella-academy-star-171441548.html)]LINK[/link] [quote]“Hi friends, I want to share with you that I am trans, my pronouns are he/they and my name is Elliot. I feel lucky to be writing this. To be here. To have arrived at this place in my ...
Officially Houston has restrictions, but it seems pretty wide open to me. ...

re: Is smashing watermelon racist?

Posted by ATrillionaire on 11/24/20 at 2:26 pm
[quote]In 2020 the fact that we even still allow watermelons to be sold is beyond me. I know it's delicious America but it has to go, along with fried chicken and grape soda. Let's start this new decade off on a non racist foot.[/quote] The Whites love fried chicken - boneless, preferably. ...
Between Pfizer (I was in that trial), Moderna, and AstraZenica, roughly 75k people have already taken the vaccine (half took placebos). I'd say that's a pretty large sample. Take the vaccine. ...
[quote]So, after only 7 days (after the second dose - you'll have to get two shots, 21 days apart), 94 out of 43,538, got COVID. [b]90% of those were in the placebo group (not in the statement, but what I heard reported earlier).[/b] So, 10% of the ones that got COVID were vaccinated.[/quote] Tha...
[quote]Yeah, George W personally flew those planes into the Trade Center. That being said, how did the war on Terror cause the economy to crash?[/quote] [img]https://www.thebalance.com/thmb/1OUhPE48SlzcYYklAheyGJ8X3hU=/950x0/filters:max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/War-on-terror-facts-...
[quote]quote: Yes, those first 4 years under obama were rough. But after cleaning up the mess the Republicans made, my business boomed during the second term. And has continued to boom under Trump. Might you be referring to the collapse of the housing market that was caused by high risk lendin...

re: Ratings from last night?

Posted by ATrillionaire on 10/16/20 at 1:39 pm
[link=(https://www.mediaite.com/tv/just-in-abcs-biden-town-hall-beats-nbcs-trump-town-hall-by-more-than-2-million-in-early-ratings/)]LINK[/link] [quote]NBC’s town hall with President Donald Trump, which aired on NBC, MSNBC and CNBC, drew a grand total of 13 million viewers. ABC’s town hall wit...

re: Last Meal

Posted by ATrillionaire on 10/16/20 at 1:25 pm
Pork Stew White beans and rice/ with sausage and ham hock McDonald's fries Coke Zero...

re: Chef tables in Houston

Posted by ATrillionaire on 10/15/20 at 10:40 am
State of Grace ...
[quote]It’s SA they will comeback kill the dogs rape the women then kill him and take his stuff he worked hard for and the robbers will always claim that man took what was theirs & the Gov allows it to happen starting to sound familiar?[/quote] Name checks out. ...
[quote]What's the margin on a $7 chip? [/quote] + $7.95 shipping...
[link=(https://www.businessinsider.com/kellyanne-conway-chaos-and-violence-is-good-for-trumps-reelection-2020-8)]LINK[/link] But she did say that...and I agree with her. What's the point of lying about it?...
[quote]Holding hands in solidarity for Black Lives Matter against police brutality on blacks when the real epidemic (black on black violence) is completely ignored [/quote] So was world hunger and childhood cancer....