Favorite team:Texas 
Biography:A Football Nut
Number of Posts:25
Registered on:7/28/2008
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[img]http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2009/0621/ncaa_a_mainieri-garrido01_600.jpg[/img] Epic match-up, on the field and in the dugout. Go Horns!...
LSUFreek, from one Shaggster to another, nice work...
haha yeah - you guys get a boatload of traffic on here, so anytime I post it usually just gets caught in the wash - so I'm a little less active here but you guys, and I mean the posters who are quite active on the subject, cover recruiting like few other sites....
Best of luck to the Tigers - Outside of my allegiances I have a couple fun bets with my LSU buds running on this series. This is what its all about - Texas and LSU, national powerhouses and undefeated contenders in Omaha. Best scenario for college baseball, I expect to hear quite a bit about the ...

re: LSU vs Texas

Posted by Longhorn Foosball on 10/13/08 at 3:26 pm
"as a matter of fact they could lose this weekend to Mizzou." Isn't that a matter of opinion?! ;) Just fricking with you Apparantly McFarland was at the OU-Texas game, wearing all red. He went at OU's expense for his visit. But was later seen openly cheering for Texas after the win. All rumo...

re: Where is Gene Chizik?

Posted by Longhorn Foosball on 10/13/08 at 11:22 am
Appreciated. Few fans in this country could understand the feelings we have for OU. I think an SEC football fan probably knows that feeling better than I do, towards others. So beating them is way more important to me than being #1, but I like icing, too....

re: Where is Gene Chizik?

Posted by Longhorn Foosball on 10/13/08 at 11:15 am
I'm not getting defensive. I agree with you, its tough, but thats how I have to look at it, since we don't play all these games on consecutive days :D...

re: Where is Gene Chizik?

Posted by Longhorn Foosball on 10/13/08 at 11:14 am
[quote]But don't tell me OU's offense is unimpressive[/quote] In no way shape or form did I even want to make an attempt to suggest that. When I said "I was every bit impressed" I was referring to the Sooners, on both sides of the ball. Their D isn't what I'm used to seeing from them, but t...

re: Where is Gene Chizik?

Posted by Longhorn Foosball on 10/13/08 at 11:12 am
That's fine with me. I would hate to get to the end of the season and miss out on the BCS because our shcedule is questionable (2003 Miami, 12-0 Auburn), or make the game and have not faced enough adversity to compete with a BCS opponent(Ohio State ad hoc)...

re: Where is Gene Chizik?

Posted by Longhorn Foosball on 10/13/08 at 11:09 am
In case Kirk Failstreet didn't beat it into your brain every day last week, we start 3 Fresh/Sophs in the secondary. We are young, but OU was that good on O IMO. I was every bit impressed with them as people told me I would be. It just turned out that Colt and our D were better....

re: Where is Gene Chizik?

Posted by Longhorn Foosball on 10/13/08 at 11:04 am
Haha, nice. No respect, I tell ya. Muschamp has been a part of three spectacular defenses, and right now is taking a BAD D at Texas and turning it right aorund. When does this stop being luck???...
[quote]Why would he want to go to Tehas?[/quote] His mother mentioned academics as being most important to her. Not to dog yall or Oklahoma, but we are the #1 choice in that respect. If I were him, I'd look at yalls recent DT exploits in college and their pro translations, but unless youre ...
A&M's band is pretty awesome. i will give it up to them for that, halftime show only, during the game theyre as annoying as any college band that isnt yours for some reason, A&M wants yall on the schedule too, according to some of their message board fans. not sure why. they do enjoy a good be...

re: LSU fans in Austin

Posted by Longhorn Foosball on 9/5/08 at 2:31 pm
i ddint want to read the whole thread, but i am sure "Shoal Creek Saloon" has already been mentioned. owners are big time New Orleans fans and Louisiana homers, and damn do they ever make some serious grub. if you visit Austin, check it out. Lamar street between about 10th and 15th, cant remember ex...
[quote]Finally leaving the mothership.[/quote] if i had known about this site sooner, id have been posting sooner id also be posting about how Sooners suck fat dick, sooner....
[quote]Big Les is coming.[/quote] then tell your mom to grab a towel :pimp: im not trying to make Mack out to be nails in the recruiting game, his class rankings say quite enough. but im just syaing, im going to be realistic about my bashes on him i think you guys made a great point tha...
[quote]Texas - Probably will never happen but our Tigers playing in Austin would be HUGE, don't think we have ever played there, again might be wrong. Would love to tailgate with the shorthorn fans again and show them how tailgating is really done.[/quote] we played you guys in the Cotton Bowl wh...
[quote]Overall, Mack has just gotten very lazy & comfortable with his ability to win 10 games a year without trying very hard. He's lost his competitive edge.[/quote] we have barely snuck into 10 win seasons the last two, needing bowl games to do it. it hasnt come easy, and Mack works very hard i...
I was damn impressed by Miles when he was at Oklahoma State. He beat Oklahoma two years in a row, convincingly, and brought that program back from the abyss...
i was also under the impression he was talking about Pool. since Shep still has the chance to take his visit/commit to Texas, that sentence would make no sense...