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Registered on:4/10/2024
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Did it stop after the 1993 WTC? Did it stop after September 11, 2001? No. It's not going to. It's a third rail politically and demographically. ...
It is people's business because he is a white man raising black sons and some feel that whites will never know how to raise black children because of cultural differences.... Blacks are worried that they will not know how to adjust to society which sees black men differently. ...
UFC boxer Michael Chandler is under fire for adopting Black sons, saying he will not raise them to "see color" and he does not "see color"........he is being called racist by Black activists and commentators.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEC5KWM-BJM&t=555s ...
[quote]Conservatives outnumber liberals.[/quote] Why can't Republicans win the popular vote then? Huh? ...
So America is going to be like Major League Baseball. Blacks irrelevant, and Blacks like Torii Hunter lashing out at people like Vladimir Guerrero Sr., for not being a [b]BLACK AMERICAN[/b]. [quote]“People see dark faces out there, and the perception is that they’re African American,” Los Ang...
Told you conservatives are outnumbered. ...
[quote]I grapple by remembering that I am smarter and better than those losers.[/quote] True, but you will NEVER understand how they feel because they are the majority... The views you have is not the views the majority of the future of this country has.... Policing, etc. all have to be cha...
[quote]Might want to check the demographics of 1970s America and compare to today. Not even remotely the same country.[/quote] Exactly. Old head coaches like Jon Gruden, Bill Belichick, Joe Girardi, etc. can't connect with the young athletes today.... Someone like a Colin Kaepernick can......
[quote]Just because the MSM tries to make it a reality doesn’t mean it is. Conservatives by far outnumber liberals.[/quote] No they don't. If that was the case, Republicans would be winning elections left to right since 1980, Republicans haven't won the popular vote in 20 years. ...
[quote]What gives me comfort is that those types aren’t having kids, while conservative families are. [/quote] But it not enough to offset the huge Latino and Black fertility rate. Latinos and Blacks will always be Democrats or hard left, they don't like Biden because he's a old moderate whit...
A Ronald Reagan type is not getting elected anytime soon, not with the demographics of the country today. Boomers and Gen X fit Reagan's demo well in 1976, 1980 and 1984....helping the Bushes in '88, '00 and '04. ...
You sure about that? Look at Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, they are in their 40s and 50s and look at them. ...
Most young people today and in the future are: [b]-Majority nonwhite -Antisemitic -Antiwhite (Even young whites are) -Anti-Police -Don't care for the nostalgia of the military (aren't into Vets' Day, Memorial Day or other "imperialist, capitalist" holidays -Are NOT Proud to be American -Vie...
If the Pacers won Game 7 of the '98 ECF and beat the Jazz in the '98 Finals, where would they rank? To go through MJ and Malone and Stockton to win a championship would've been something for Larry Bird and Reggie Miller........
[quote]Just during that era? Or a team from any era?[/quote] Just that 90s era. ...
Other than the 95 Magic, maybe the 98 Pacers? 97 Jazz?...
This. Biden will get 80%-90% of the Black vote. It's not going to be like Obama's numbers, no one will match those numbers again, but Trump should not hope for anything other than 5%-15% tops. Anything pushing 16% is foolish. Most Blacks hate Republicans, especially white Republicans...
Since 1994 when he fired Jimmy Johnson, despite the 1995 title with Deion, etc.? ...
In 1984, Jackson called Jews "Hymietown", etc. In 1991, NYC Mayor David Dinkins, first Black mayor allowed the riots in Crown Heights between Blacks and Jews to fester. Al Sharpton, Charles Barron, AOC, etc. are all anti-Jew.....
Biden no longer has the Obama effect on him, anymore... Biden would have won in 2016 if Obama boxed Hillary out, he would have won reelection in 2020, and you would have looked at 4 consecutive Democratic terms (2008-2020) Republicans have to learn how to win elections.......