Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:LSU Football of course!
Number of Posts:16
Registered on:12/29/2007
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

Left Chicago this am. In Athens now!!Purple and gold all over the airport. :)...
Of course I am a Saints fan...since birth! But we also have season tickets to the Bears and my spouse is a die hard Bears fan who grew up in Chi town....
Yeah! So happy to be able to watch a Tiger play...Geaux Bears! Beat Tebow! :nana:...

re: 1997, LSU vs UF

Posted by chicageauxcajun on 10/8/09 at 11:54 am
This game is also my favorite memory from Tiger Stadium. We sat in the fraternity section and my boyfriend (now husband) wouldn't let me rush the field because he thought I would get hurt :(. He went down and got the grass from the field for me. I still have our party cups with the alcohol and color...

re: Best Donut Shop

Posted by chicageauxcajun on 9/17/08 at 9:12 am
Definitely Meche's in Lafayette and Shipley's in Houston. There used to be a Shipley's in Lafayette when I was little and my dad would take us there every Saturday. Mmmmmm. I always go to the Shipley's counter when I fly through the Houston airport. Alas, I can get neither now that I live in Chicago...