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Registered on:1/11/2023
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It's better than Joe Biden putting Ukraine first....

re: Why Protestant Doctrine is Un-biblical

Posted by Narax on 5/26/24 at 9:31 am
It's well known that there were a history of religious leaders sent by God throughout Israel's history. There are also the Maccabees who restored Israel. Israel had been looking for a Messiah who would give them earthly power. Jesus was different, I mean for one he changed the world....
Women's college basketball is popular, the WNBA is not... Clark is a non woke normal girl who does her best... The WNBA is full of people that really hate the average women's college BB fan.. The Average Women's College BB fan knows this......

re: See, the animals are gay too

Posted by Narax on 5/18/24 at 6:11 pm
That's the goal of the left, if animals do it, we can't blame people for doing it. ...
Democrats don't care, one abortion and 99% will vote Democrat for life. It's either continue to justify the clump of cells argument or face facts. Has to be traumatic....
Considering the number of Abortions in America, it seems that a baby would be safer in the woods with a man than a bear or a woman......
I went by the Pentagon a few hours after 911, we were in college and went to help (I don't think we knew how we would help but we heard that the bridges were closed to NYC). We didn't actually get to volunteer for anything but we saw the side from the highway....

re: White House disses Easter

Posted by Narax on 4/2/24 at 11:39 pm
Which last I checked is not history... *checks* Nope, still not......

re: Daily Mail News reads Tiger droppings

Posted by Narax on 4/2/24 at 11:36 pm
They have had a LSU Crush since Burrow in 2019. It's their favorite SEC school... (not that they know what the SEC is anyway)...

re: White House disses Easter

Posted by Narax on 4/2/24 at 6:29 pm
You do realize what realm studying myths puts you in... [img]https://www.liveabout.com/thmb/wS9fcb4MPNid5Kq3vXIo66JrSD8=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/aliens3-5ad508d0c064710038448fdf.jpg[/img] ...

Daily Mail News reads Tiger droppings

Posted by Narax on 4/2/24 at 5:55 pm
[quote]'I look up a couple news sites and it says that LSU WB Team did not attend or stand for the national anthem?' One user wrote on Tiger Droppings.[/quote] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/college-basketball/article-13264361/lsu-fans-fume-kim-mulkey-fired-national-anthem.html [img]https...

re: White House disses Easter

Posted by Narax on 4/1/24 at 6:05 pm
Your "sources" are all "cult" I'm here telling you if you are quoting something other than Tacitus or similar you are in the realm of conspiracy theory or religion. Not sure what your wide reading of evolutionary biologist has to do with first century historical facts. Critical biblical scho...

re: White House disses Easter

Posted by Narax on 3/31/24 at 10:52 pm
You know... some people celebrate taking shots developed using murdered baby cells kept alive through super cold temperatures. To each their own. I don't mind if you call me part of a cult as long as you admit that you are part of an anti-historic cult. I separate religion from history, you...

re: White House disses Easter

Posted by Narax on 3/31/24 at 5:02 pm
There is nothing as embarrassing as a man who thinks he knows everything. I'm sure you know much about what your cult thinks, very little about anything outside of what they feed you. Anyone speaking about knowing ancient history needs to start from Archeology and the extant secular texts e.g. T...

re: White House disses Easter

Posted by Narax on 3/31/24 at 4:53 pm
I keep hearing that this has been a holiday for 15 years, I went through all of the Obama admin's proclamations. Nothing, especially in 2013 when it overlapped with Easter. No one until the Biden administration pretended that this was a thing. This was some fringe group's attempt to blaspheme...
Yup, they hired a bunch of Business people to run the company. Airbus's CEO is an engineer. [link=(https://www.airbus.com/en/our-governance/guillaume-faury)]AIRBUS CEO[/link] "Guillaume began his career in 1992 as a flight-test engineer for the Eurocopter Tiger helicopter" Compare this to the Bo...
That's their medical class, not the rest of the class, they do more than medicine. ...
[img]https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/-/media/images/articles/2022/09/440-meet-the-class-of-2026.jpeg[/img] That's their medical class... ...

re: Do you tip your rideshare driver?

Posted by Narax on 12/1/23 at 7:20 pm
It's not, if they give you a bad rating they will un-pair with you. As the majority of rides don't tip, they would be cutting their potential rider base. Still for every 2 nice drivers, there is some dude whos car does stink of weed who is blasting music and barely acts like you are there. If y...