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Registered on:8/24/2022
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[link=(https://www.wsj.com/video/deficit-reduction-will-pay-for-student-loan-forgiveness-biden-says/9C5B1F77-2FFC-4EFF-A1A4-80BD35A8EA09.html)]Deficit Reduction Will Pay for Student Loan Forgiveness, Biden Says [/link]...
not true, btw, there is no tax increase, no one is paying more. this exact same guy from the exact same taxpayer group explains it over [link=(https://www.ntu.org/foundation/detail/cost-of-student-debt-cancelation-could-average-2000-per-taxpayer)]here[/link] [quote]Some may dispute that taxpayers...
[quote]Well at least we now know you lack the fundamental understanding of the situation. Your schools cost too much because the government gives absurd amounts of money to anyone with a pulse to go to school.[/quote]the frick are you talking about? you think schools are charging more just for the...
[quote]Your posts are useless [/quote]yeah, unlike this jewel you came up with. oh my god, you actually put that youre from East Egg in your little bio there? what are you, doin a bit, is this cosplay? embarrassing....
[quote]mind-read much??[/quote]oh please, dont act like I dont know you people, Im from rural Louisiana, I know what Im talking about. conservatives used to have ideas, now its all hate, you and trump hate all the same things, thats why you love him, its all about anger and revenge now, and the crue...

re: Trump must run and he must win

Posted by BlackPanther on 8/25/22 at 2:38 am
[quote]Troll account? Or have all dissenting views been destroyed on DU and now you are doing your locust act? [/quote]I dont even know what the frick DU is dude. I assume not Ducks Unlimited. do any of you have an original thought in your head by the way, because youre like the fifth one to do ...

re: Trump must run and he must win

Posted by BlackPanther on 8/25/22 at 1:42 am
[quote]No sir, it’s all on you. You’re really bad at picking up on facetiousness and jest. [/quote]just looked over his posts and yeah that must be it, I must be missing it all the other times he says hes gonna kill people too. [quote]I’m gonna hang out here and admire my DD-214. Keep gathering ...
[quote]It did no such thing. Insulating the irresponsible from their bad decisions does not make them more responsible nor smarter.[/quote]they're not irresponsible, theyre just trapped in our shite system of higher education in this country and they cant get out. how old is this board, are you a...
the government actually did something to help people, it's pandemonium! ...
why do y'all think so little of the United States. Austria. Belgium. Denmark. Finland. France. Germany. Iceland. Italy. Norway. Poland. New Zealand. Russia. Spain. Sweden. just a few of the countries with free college. you think the Sorbonne is a bad school? University of Copenhagen? Uni...
[quote]I'm glad it will help those that needed it.[/quote][quote]Ends justify the means, in other words? You’d make a great brownshirt.[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/p1t8nJd.png[/img]...
20 million people will have their debt totally erased, 43 million will benefit to some degree. ...
"If a government program doesnt benefit me personally, frick you." moron....
[quote]I think the Democrats will do another $10K around this time in 2024. And another one two years after that one. Young people will keep voting Democrat for 100 years. I have to hand it to Democrats, they are just so much better at the political game than Republicans. It’s not close. No...
yeah frick all that. religion has y'all fricked up, you seriously think life is about pain and suffering, you want it to be as hard and awful as possible (for other people) because you think its a virtue. we get one life down here, thats it, it shouldnt be some kind of tough man contest to see how muc...
this isnt true btw, at least not yet. trumps lawyers, who cant practice in Florida because they filed their paperwork wrong, are judge shopping, and the new judge is less than impressed so far, she denied the initial request because it doesnt make any sense. this is the judge essentially asking "...
[quote]Total bullshite and buying off of the voters. [/quote]this was 2 weeks before the election [img]https://i.imgur.com/ghzETgW.png[/img]...