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[link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/display.aspx?sp=100527208&s=1&p=100527208)]LINK[/link] I never in a million years thought Kelly and Denbrock, irrespective of the talent on hand, could put together an offense like the one LSU had this year, so in that respect, I definitely have to admit...

re: Elko>Stoops

Posted by Florida Horn on 11/26/23 at 7:51 pm
Kelly is going to retire $100 million richer thanks to Mike Elko. Kelly likely would have been fired after 2017 had Elko not orchestrated a miraculous turnaround for ND's D....
[quote]Any coach that can get Ian Book drafted in the 4th round, that’s a great coach.[/quote] Even taking this as true, it's still hard to make the case that Book really progressed at ND. He was basically the same QB as a senior that he was as a sophomore. He always played overly cautious, and...
My dad went to ND, so I'm a pretty big fan and watched basically every game he coached there (including the Denbrock era). I grew up in Houston, so I'm familiar with LSU but not an expert. That out of the way, I actually think you're over complicating things a bit. BK, like you said, is a pre...
At ND, Brian Kelly gave more than a few programs and coaches fools gold wins. In 2013, a struggling Brady Hoke and #17 Michigan beat #14 ND, which temporarily cooled down Hoke's seat, but Michigan still finished 7-5, unranked, and fired Hoke the next year. In 2014, #9 ASU beat #10 ND to climb ...
[quote]He’s also the winningest coach in their school’s history.[/quote] You do realize he's also the losingest coach in ND history as well? He coached there for a long time . . . and in an era where they play more games per season. He's ND's version of Charles McClendon, which is not bad, but...
[quote]Brian Kelly is a very good X & O's guy.[/quote] This is simply dead wrong. I've given Kelly credit time and time again for the many good things he did at ND, and I suspect he will be successful at LSU. He left the ND program way way better off than he found it. He's not a good X's and O...
[quote]What QB recruit did Kelly have at ND to develop? Only 1 decent QB. He turned him into the most winningest QB in ND history. Ian Book was smart but very flawed. Give Kelly LSU talent at WR and RB and let's see what happens. [/quote] Dayne Crist, Gunner Kiel, and Phil Jurkovec are his most ...
At ND Kelly had at least a half dozen tight ends get drafted and probably the same or more for receivers. I can think of two first round WRs off the top of my head. He had weapons, but I would definitely expect him to have more at LSU. ...
Brian Kelly did an excellent job rebuilding ND after the 2016 4-8 debacle. Lest people think I'm some sort of Kelly hater or jilted ex, I will repeat that, he did an EXCELLENT job his last 5 years at ND. He is, however, a flawed coach in many ways, and he's not anywhere close to being on the same ...
Cincinnati was lucky to catch ND when they did. ND had a big game against Wisconsin the week before, while Cincy had a bye. ND also lost two left tackles to injury in the first 4 games of the season, and replaced a third due to poor play. In the second half of the Cincy game, they played their 4th...
[quote]His classes were consistently the best of any program outside of the South except USC (w California recruiting base) and Ohio St. Given academic restrictions and geographic limitations, he did very well. Much has changed since the time ND was a college football superpower. Your perception of ...
[quote]Brian Kelly was able to keep ND relevant and in the playoff conversation and even had a trip to the title game, AT NOTRE DAME...let that sink in. He was able to be relevant at a place that's VERY HARD to recruit to. It's EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to get into ND, so you think even HALF of these 5 st...

re: CBK is the football version of CPM

Posted by Florida Horn on 12/22/21 at 10:49 am
[quote]Something he CAN do is not look like a blubbering idiot on National TV and interviews.[/quote] Brian Kelly is extremely capable of looking like a blubbering idiot on national TV. He is a massive tw@t, who only cares about himself. ND fans despised him, and despite his success, were happy...
Kelly has a very poor record with QB development but has been given the gift of a lifetime with Walker Howard. He struggled to recruit elite QBs and WRs to ND because he couldn't develop them. If he botches Howard, then I predict he won't ever win an NC at LSU and possibly not even an SEC title. ...
Yikes, fairly mediocre hires if true. Kelly couldn’t recruit/develop elite QBs at ND. I’m not sure Denbrock is the solution to that problem. ...
I think that's right. His DCs are allowed complete autonomy over the defense, and Kelly wants to be much more involved with the offense. Tommy Rees indicated that having more autonomy over the offense was a major reason he stayed at ND rather than follow Kelly to LSU, which I think is a reasonable...
[quote]coaches QB's[/quote] This is simply not true. My dad went to ND, and I've followed ND for 35+ years. His development and management of QBs was far and away the most disappointing part of his tenure at ND. He did many other things very well at ND, but not the QB position....
Notre Dame fans are glad he's gone because he was never going to get ND over the hump. He's a disengaged, mediocre recruiter and that just doesn't work at ND. I believe it was Urban Meyer who said that ND's biggest recruiting advantage is its national reach and the fact that pretty much every recr...

re: Chicken f'kn little syndrome

Posted by Florida Horn on 12/8/21 at 8:51 pm
"He's got a giant Rolodex of coaches to call on . . . ." This may be true in terms of quantity, but it's definitely not true with respect to quality. His staffs his first 7 years at ND were filled with GVSU and CMU cronies and were extremely weak. After going 4-8 in 2016, cleaning house was a...