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re: This is going to turn a few heads

Posted by wayak on 10/17/21 at 10:53 pm
I'm glad that y'all appear to be interested in science, and I hope that y'all follow the recommendations. ...
Glad to see so much support for law enforcement here. They serve and protect us. And it is a dangerous job. For 2020 and 2021, gunfire has been the #2 cause of death for law enforcement. Anyone know the #1 cause of death for 2020 and 2021? [link=(https://www.odmp.org/search/year?year=...
[quote]If they're white they're morons. Help your own people now - this is an existential fight.[/quote] Someone should let him know that he's saying the quiet part out loud....
[quote]Once again, Trump is dead wrong.[/quote][quote]lol LINK (Israel study)[/quote] Ah, ok, Israel’s scientists are ok when it comes to covid research, but not the CDC. Well then let's see what Israel says about vaccinations. [quote][link=(https://www.timesofisrael.com/bennett-vacci...
[quote]Probably should stop listening to the cdc[/quote] So is all of the CDC wrong? Or just the part about covid? ...
Once again, Trump is dead wrong. [link=(https://www.fox16.com/amazing/amazing-tips/covid-19-why-natural-immunity-is-not-enough/)]Fox16: Why natural immunity is not enough[/link] [link=(https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html)]CDC: Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless ...

re: Bongino cancels SimpliSafe sponsorship

Posted by wayak on 10/17/21 at 10:06 am
[quote]Here is the article on SimpliSafe[/quote] [quote]They are weak and shouldn’t be supported if they shun half of the population for their political beliefs. [/quote] He's complaining about the exact thing he's doing. Whatever. I guess it is a bit much to expect intellectual honesty....
We're now upset about excessive policing? So it is now ok to recognize that what the police did in the Floyd case was bad? Just trying to keep up, thanks....

re: Politics suck, let’s be positive

Posted by wayak on 10/17/21 at 5:17 am
[quote]some day we’ll win?[/quote] You have already won. You live in the greatest country on earth, an amazing representative democracy. Recognize and celebrate the diversity of people and ideas that we are fortunate to have here, it is a beautiful melting pot....
I would think that someone who runs a pawn shop, even if it has a TV show, would first run for a lower office before thinking they were somehow qualified to be in the U.S. Senate....
Evidently the author or producer wants LOTR to be more diverse. I've never seen it, but still that seems like an odd thing to be concerned about. ...
Having diversity is a problem? Really?...
What happened on January 6 was horrible, and those involved should be fully prosecuted and punished. If the situation was reversed, if Trump had won and Biden supporters had stormed the Capitol like that, then I would say the exact same thing, that it was horrible, and those involved should be fu...
[quote]Note your ratio of downvotes to upvotes[/quote] Down votes mean nothing to me, but I'm glad that you finally have a scoreboard that you can enjoy looking at. Meanwhile, here are some scoreboards that count: 81,282,916 to 74,223,369 303 to 235 64 to 0 ...
Peaceful protests are great. Violence, trespassing, and destruction of public property are not. Those who do that should be punished without regard to race, political party, or other demographic. That's not so hard, is it?...
What we're looking for is actual proof, proof that can stand up to scrutiny. Proof that can be demonstrated in the deliberation of a Court, not merely wild allegations made on Twitter. Remember, even judges appointed by Trump dismissed those cases. ...
[quote]Your angered is based on fear. And fear you should have.[/quote] I'm not angry at all. Why should I have fear? What I feel is better described as pity. I feel sorry for y'all for being duped and conned, and I hope that somehow you will see through the BS soon. But I think it will ta...
Floyd was a lifelong criminal, and the people who are trying to make him into a Saint are crazy. There are many African Americans who are worthy of respect and admiration, but he is not one of them. That said, he certainly was a victim of brutality and actual murder by the police. Is it po...
I get it. You don't like Biden. Focus on getting a better candidate next time, instead of making up bullshite about a fraudulent election. You might getter better results. ...