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Registered on:1/17/2021
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Yall hate America so much, its sad, you should leave....
I thought there were plans for the state capitols too...
[quote]So just because what she said should haplen didn't happen you think she lied?[/quote]its not that, its not that she missed on some predictions, its that she said she already had these things. She said she had these recordings, and files, and evidence, she said their biggest problem was that t...
[quote] you will never be half the lawyer she is.[/quote]she couldn't even clear Flynn after the DOJ dropped the charges against him. It took another 6 months and only ended then because trump pardoned him, he had to pardon a guy who wasnt charged with anything. Yeah she's a real dynamo, King So...
[quote]The fact is all of you haters and whiners, Sidney Powell is one of the few people in this country that stood up and fought.[/quote]She stood up and larped. She tweeted links saying she was part of some military intel program, and had some rare qualification for military tribunals, and that so...
[quote] You forgot "debunked" in your post. You lefties are slipping with your DNC marching orders.[/quote]One. And SIXTY THREE. it doesn't even sound possible. Its almost impressive. ...
Trump is 1-63 in court since the election. ...
[quote]I watched it real time[/quote]there's no way you haven't seen this explained a million times, I have no idea why you torture yourself with this insanity. Wisconsin and Michigan never stopped counting. It did not happen. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan dont count mail in ballots ...
[quote]Never forget Trump was winning big in every swing state, they stopped the election to see how many votes they needed, then between 3 and 4 AM started dumping ballots at nearly 100% for one candidate. [/quote]cannot believe yall are still doing this. Its absolute fiction. It did not happen....
[quote]They're being fired because they're losing money after they pissed off their viewers. That's the market at work here.[/quote]no doubt, absolutely, fox can fire and hire whoever they want, just dont pretend to be a news network when you fire people for engaging in reality. ...
[quote]BREAKING –> Fox News political editor Chris Stirewalt was laid off today alongside just under 20 Fox News staffers. Stirewalt sat on the Fox News decision desk, which has come under fire for its early call on Arizona election night. Story forthcoming…[/quote]he was right about Arizona. fox fi...

re: Is there a time limit for pardons?

Posted by Guardian on 1/19/21 at 5:01 pm
nothing says a pardon has to be announced, it can be signed and official and just tucked away until he wants to use it edit: actually Biden might be able to reveal the entire list, Im seeing different things now. we wouldn't know by noon tomorrow either way....

re: Trump speaking

Posted by Guardian on 1/19/21 at 3:25 pm
[quote]THEY KICKED OUT A MAN who brought peace in the middle east.[/quote]none of those countries were even at war with each other, trump gave them billions for a PR stunt. ...
[quote]making the intentional decision to exterminate human life for convenience?[/quote]if a zygote was an actual human life I would obviously be against abortion, everyone would, people arent monsters, dude. ...
[quote]"Literally pushing for deliberate wholesale slaughter of infants."[/quote]you sound ridiculous. ...
[quote]I don't know how you can claim you're fighting the deep state and not pardon Assange and Snowden. [/quote]why does no one ever mention Reality Winner [i][b]edit:[/b] On June 3, 2017, while employed by the military contractor Pluribus International Corporation, Winner was arrested on susp...
Boebert on the 14th: “I have never given a tour of the US capital to any outside group.” - [link=(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EsCDS4OXMAEVS0r?format=jpg&name=large)]link[/link] Boebert yesterday: “I did not give any tours between Jan 3rd and 6th.” - [link=(https://twitter.com/Journo_Christal/stat...

re: Political board DEMs/Leftist

Posted by Guardian on 1/19/21 at 11:34 am
[quote]Ahhh, yes, the man that was on the campaign for 4 months...got it. [/quote]and why is that? are we really gonna do this? why was he only there for 4 months? its because the 2016 GOP platform about Ukraine and Russia suddenly changed, it went from saying we would provide Ukraine with "let...

re: Trump not going to inauguration

Posted by Guardian on 1/19/21 at 10:50 am
[quote]Yeah like knowing Obama and his crew, including Biden, spied on your campaign[/quote]trump had 4 years to present any evidence whatsoever against Obama, and to lock up Hillary, and neither one was ever even asked about it. not one hearing. not one subpoena. same with the election. hes the Pre...