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re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Mellow Drama on 5/4/24 at 12:45 pm
[img]https://media.scored.co/post/qiLd6D53zJo5.jpeg[/img] [quote]The point of this meme was not to point out the evil deeds or hearts of the Jews or anything like that. It was to point out that Congress had made the New Testament “hate speech” based on the wording in the new antisemitic bill. ...
[quote] I feel bad for whoever has to change that diaper[/quote] your tax dollars are at work in other shitholes besides (fill in the blank country)...
[img]https://i.imgur.com/oaMcyAG.gif[/img] look at his face when he drops that deuce, his brains are eaten up with dementia. dems (or shall I say uniparty) love them some elder abuse along with abortion, communism, letting gangbangers and aloha snackbars over the border, economic col...
:yack: Joe Biden is a horrible person. Showering with a 12 yr old daughter is repulsive. Nevertheless, what the soulless gouls I mean dems are doing/ have done to him is elder abuse. Support dems, and spend your twilight years being a buffoon on the world stage. ETA: this ...
[quote] And we are supposed to believe the death toll numbers they put out in Gaza? Yeah right.[/quote] I've heard it said that in the Quran a muslim is allowed to tell lies to non-muslims. Sorry not sorry for not providing a link; I already have enough bathroom reading material. And I'm...
[quote]Instead, experts emphasized evidence that was convenient to their recommendations and buried inconvenient facts. They exaggerated the risk of outdoor Covid transmission, the virus’s danger to children and the benefits of mask mandates, among other things. [b]The goal may have been admirable —...
[quote]If mRNA is old and safe, why wasn't the long term study data associated with it been published? [/quote] good point!...
[quote]He’s presently in the hospital with sepsis and is in pretty bad shape. [/quote] That's terrible, sorry to hear that....
hope that wasn't TL:DR but I get email briefings from NYSlimes every morning. The liberal reasoning process is like a teacher talking to adults like they're six yrs old then bringing the pain when they don't obey. So why read the Slimes? [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.sN5s4xIxF1gjjF0...
No link but copied in entirety nytdirect@nytimes.com by David Leonhardt May 3, 2024 [quote]‘I’m not real’ Let me start with a disclaimer: The subject of today’s newsletter will make some readers uncomfortable. It makes me a little uncomfortable. The Times has just published an articl...
[quote] Steven Spielberg “has been quietly but actively working with the Joe Biden campaign to help choreograph August’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago. … participating in multiple strategy sessions on how to best tell the president’s story…” [/quote] so Hollywood colludes with Comm...
[quote]robbed in San Francisco on Thursday[/quote] if left-tards weren't running San-Fran then this wouldn't have happened. Schiff should be OK with this crime; he votes for it!...
[quote]I'm tired of female supremacists.[/quote] The female supremacist brigade attempted to shame little girls who enjoyed playing with Barbie with friends. They told us Barbie encouraged girls to aspire to be $ex objects when grown, chasing unrealistic body images just to please the menfolk. ...
[quote]Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), a master legislative tactician, heaped praise on her successor: "He is fabulous. We're so proud of him." One senior House Democrat told Axios: "It easily could have fallen apart ... He played the cards the way you'd want to play them." "I would no...
[img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/04/10/14/83460983-0-image-a-4_1712757247094.jpg[/img] Dude you don't look in the least bit feminine. In fact you look ridiculous. You have a Y chromosome in every cell of your body and you likely still stand up to pee unless you were foolish enough t...
[quote]She eventually started wearing dresses and makeup in official appearances, [b]which riled up voters who felt duped because they believed they were voting for a [/b]gay cisgender man and not a transgender woman.[/quote] so voters don't get riled up about public funds going to private pock...
[quote]came out as gender-fluid[/quote][quote] I don't think the word 'fluid' is appropriate when describing a guy name Urina.[/quote] :lol: :cheers:...
[quote]Makes me sick.[/quote] may I have a me-too moment about this? [quote]These fricks only care about money.[/quote] Well, they don't appear to care about the people they are supposed to represent. :banghead:...
[quote]He's being treated like a hero in DC. [/quote] [link=(https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/20/politics/mike-johnson-ukraine-aid-russia-zelensky-putin/index.html)]CNN - Mike Johnson is Churchill[/link] Hey Mikey, I have a scripture verse for you: [quote]Woe to you when all speak well of you, f...
[quote]He is being abused by the political system he helped create and making everyone’s life worse. My pity well is bottomed out.[/quote] Live by the sword, die by the sword. Live by dishonor and sucking up to the powers that be, die as the puppet of the powers that be....