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Registered on:8/19/2020
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what...you dont randomly fire a bunch of shots to keep your property taxes down? rookie...

re: Debt delinquency on the rise

Posted by Pezzo on 5/8/24 at 10:58 am
[quote]The banks are gonna force ppl out of those 2% mortgages[/quote] This will be reality in Louisiana for sure. I wouldnt be surprised to find out banks are colluding with insurance providers to force home owners out of their low interest homes. HO insurance in Louisiana is absolutely out of h...

re: Do we need a new FBI building?

Posted by Pezzo on 5/8/24 at 10:07 am
we dont NEED one, but big gov gonna big gov and do it anyway the new HQ will be larger than the Pentagon...
only thing i found was the article the guy referenced in the video [link=(https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-could-homeowners-980-billion-000405657.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANUTz6IxvvxtsLuDBQfTbLFSkCYRZiCy_kCgYLAI_qZNP8X1aQsHZsMFevrs-bsF...
Potato is in the market to buy your vote. TLDW: $980B in stimulus is being contemplated for homeowners, could be upwards of $2T.... [embed]https://youtu.be/zY7CZXAC2bk?t=109)]https://youtu.be/zY7CZXAC2bk?t=109[/embed] planned destruction of the dollar, CBDC incoming ETA: forgot we can...
did they give a breakdown of how many men vs women were polled? i only saw percentage of group and not number of group. if they asked 700 white suburban women and 100 "other" then the poll is trash. ...
it absolutely helps having that body off if you have large hands...it was much easier for me to remove the body and have tons of room than trying to squeeze my hands in the tiny battery hole...i guess removing 6 bolts is a headache for others? took me all of 2 minutes to remove it. ...
removing the body makes it a hell of a lot easier to place the upper and lower belts on the VSP. its really not that hard to remove the body...almost as simple as removing the deck....
nope, couldn't imagine not speaking to the ones who raised me...
did mine at the beginning of the season. variable drive pully went out last season so replaced all the belts. have to remove the dual idler bracket under the foot rest to get the belt back in easier... its a PITA to get back on, but other than that the hardest part is getting it around the variable ...
[quote]trong El Nino[/quote] did you mean [i][b]THE HEAT DOME[/b][/i]?...
That would be awesome, in that situation id be curious to see who the schools admin throws its support behind. ...
It won’t be long before US gov runs a coup to take over and usher in the trannies. It may be underway already. ...

re: Trump Five Years Ago

Posted by Pezzo on 5/2/24 at 2:49 pm
tweet is from 2020 OP has no life outside of his TDS...
[quote]selling their credit[/quote] how you claim that on taxes?...
its not just aldi, its all stores. just read the labels of the stuff you buy......
sounds like she's just giving a recap of what happened in 2020 -ignore human rights laws under pretext of pandemic preparedness -censorship of information -one narrative -quick vaccine roll out -only drugs approved by WHO/CDC can be administered ...
[quote]Ivy schools are world renowned, they are known for being picky about who they take, and foreign students normally pay full freight.[/quote] I wonder if there is a tax code that allows the institution to write off some debts for having a student body that consist of X% of foreigners. other...

re: Flying termite season is here

Posted by Pezzo on 4/29/24 at 4:19 pm
had one in the house last week...
these people look at being arrested as a badge of honor. they day dream about telling their would-be grandchildren about it someday. luckily none of them will get as far as having kids. ...