Favorite team:Colorado 
Location:The penalty box
Biography:Hangin' & Bangin'
Number of Posts:179
Registered on:3/25/2020
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

So far during this, I've completed the following: 1. Installed new LVT on our main floor 2. Built a partition wall in the basement so my MIL won't bitch about "no room" when she comes to visit. At least this is good for something, right? Good luck with the hoards at Lowes :cheers:...

re: Boomer’s one last FU?

Posted by MileHigh_Tiger on 4/10/20 at 8:31 am
[quote]Don't lump me in with that bullshite. Just because the vast majority of people are dumb-asses doesn't make me part of the problem.[/quote]Agreed. I'm a millennial home-owner and I see people my age begging for the housing market to crash "so millennials can buy their first house". Bitch, y...
:gmt: About to start a bike ride and I have no idea how long it will last. Gotta get out of this house...
Let's finish this one out before you stroke your emergency fetish, shall we? ETA: I'll play. Yellowstone...
That's what I'm wearing out. You wanted masks, Gov. Polis?! You've got masks!...
"For where [b][u]two or three[/u][/b] gather in my name, there am I with them.” - Matthew 18:20 There! You're under the 10-person limit, and you can worship as you please in the comfort of your own home. It's not like the gubment is telling you what you can and can't do in your own home.....y...
I see where they fricked up [quote]“We’re having church on Wednesday, no matter what.”[/quote] Egos are hard to compromise with...
Waiting for your computer to follow suit somehow so these shite threads can stop...
Considerations during a Pandemic: 1. How dense is the population 2. How [b][i][u]dense[/u][/i][/b] is the population ...
[quote]manslaughter in the first and second degree, assault in the second degree, and criminally negligent homicide[/quote]Well that seems like an Olympic-sized leap ETA: I'm curious from the downvoters: Why do you think all of these charges are warranted?...
[quote]Not Sharon Tate. [/quote][img]https://media.tenor.com/images/0b537ff0b023449497480200780f0662/tenor.gif[/img]...
Haven't gotten a haircut since October. My Kentucky Waterfall is coming in nicely ...
[quote]frick em. -Brandon, 240lb 36 year old welder from Gonzales.[/quote][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU/giphy.gif[/img]...
Marlboro 27s back when I smoked, but it's been about two years since I quit. I still keep a pack hidden in the house for when I'm jonesin' hard...

re: Is this shite for real?

Posted by MileHigh_Tiger on 4/9/20 at 5:08 pm
Probably belongs in the Q thread, more than likely...
Apparently also had a Colonel Sanders getup too! [img]https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/414a2a3d9218e84d8f429012b3603d6eb0770ee9/c=56-40-439-551/local/-/media/2018/01/25/LAGroup/Monroe/636524883871276003-SHRBrd-02-01-2017-Times-1-A003-2017-01-31-IMG-042411SHRcallye-davi-1-1-8LH8T942-L966885105-IMG-0...
This is absolute bullshite You don't have buddies...
[link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKwsA8KRHIE)]Vic Henley - The Klan Story[/link] RIP Vic, you were a fantastic comedian...