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Registered on:3/2/2020
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That is the only way to get past all this bullshite. I am so sick and tired of hearing all of this bullshite rhetoric. Quit committing half the goddamn violent crime at 7% of the fricking population and I promise you it will get better for you....
[quote]Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television, told CNBC on Monday the U.S. government should provide $14 trillion of reparations for slavery to help reduce racial inequality. [/quote] Equality of outcome not equality of opportunity. Because if you only give equality of opport...
[quote] These people on here can call me racist all fricking day and all night and I don't give a shite because I have been following Colin Flaherty for a decade at least and I have seen more heinous black on white elderly home invasion rape beating robberies than anybody on tigerdroppings. I'm ...
[quote] Yes, please do and follow those with black cops doing the same so it destroys your make belief narrative that it’s a racial thing. It’s simply not, race has very little if anything to do with the high majority of negative interactions between police and Americans.[/quote] He is an idi...
If you weren't paying attention what they did to Colin Flaherty and his channel was the most egregious censorship anyone has ever faced. Every day he was dropping video evidence, surveillance footage, local news footage of black on white attacks. He never got over 60,000 subscribers because ev...
[quote]The Correspondent just spent 5 minutes describing a horrifying scene that wasnt close to the live feed of what was happening in Sana Monica... What a fricking joke[/quote] It has always been controlled opposition although they tell a lot more truth than any other. Watch any mainstream m...
[quote]What[/quote] Are you really saying that the SPLC is not an anti-white hate group....
[quote]SPLC actually makes sense. They aren't really an organization. . .so hard to [/quote] They are definitely an organization. They are an organization with an anti-white agenda that they will push at all cost....
[quote]I am not a gun guy but I am buying guns for protection. The media is a huge problem and coconspirator in this whole thing. Remember the knockout games where African Americans just walk up to you for no reason and knock your lights out of your skull. Yeah me too. [/quote] Colin Flah...
Yeah because all those protesters were made up of Trump supporters. Maybe just the white supremacist that were causing 100% of the destruction nationwide were Trump supporters. Odd that almost every one of the violent attacks on store owners and citizens I saw were committed by primarily black...
[quote] I bet it wasn't driving, or walking down the street. [/quote] What racist shithole did you live in in the 80s? That wasn't and still isn't a problem where I live. Now if you frick around and put a dr. Pepper wrap on your box Chevy and ride around blaring music all day on 24 inch ...
[quote] You think in 1980 it was better to be a well educated black man than a well educated white man? Were you alive in the 80s? [/quote] I think it is true for anybody that was born when I was born in 1977 or after. Have you ever heard of disadvantaged minority business loans and grants...
[quote] You've hinted at this a few times, but are you saying that racism(speaking traditionally here, where the race in power is the one doing the discriminating) in the United States does not exist? Or exists to such an extent that it is virtually invisible? [/quote] I also think CRT or cri...
[quote]Or exists to such an extent that it is virtually invisible? [/quote] Virtually invisible and if you allow the miniscule amount that exist today to prevent you from succeeding then you are weak minded and you never would of succeeded regardless. The tiny amount of racism that may exi...
[quote] Pure fantasy. If that were they case, the country would have burned by now.[/quote] Not necessarily because you have to think about the consequences of your actions. 40 million vs 200 million and the 200 million has the majority of the guns. Especially the ammo. One group unloads a...
[quote]The problem is easy to identify. It is the elephant in the room. Using gov't statistics can identify the reason why the issue will never be solved. Most of the answer is in crime statistics. There are differences between the races. The issue will NEVER be solved until this is recognized an...
[quote]Do you like oppressive govt, endless laws against everything, police/govt officials who have the power to ruin or even kill you whenever they choose and for whatever reason they see fit? If you don’t, you’ve just discovered common ground with the legit protestors. Y’all disagree on the soluti...
Same reason all of these links are to local news.
[quote]Keisha Lance Bottoms (Atlanta Mayor) is Impressive[/quote] No she isn't. She parrots the same 400 years of racism bullshite. She pushes the same bullshite systemic racism. You aren't facing systemic racism in Africa so why is it a shithole. You aren't facing systemic racism in Ame...