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Location:Hattiesburg, MS
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Registered on:8/31/2007
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[quote]Well, that's not quite true. Is it now?[/quote] Very true....
[quote]said he should be the one seeking a defamation lawsuit[/quote] People who sue usually don't threaten to sue. They just file the lawsuit. ...
[quote]WE should be rioting over this.[/quote] Who is we?...
[quote]Did you know that a lot of public opinion is reflected in the news?[/quote] So that's a no? :lol: ...
[quote]Who makes up [b]international news[/b] if not foreign citizens?[/quote] Do you know the difference between opinions and news?...
[quote]but there's nothing wrong with disregarding the opinions of foreign citizens.[/quote] What are you talking about? OP wasn't proud of not caring about the opinions of foreign citizens....
[quote]Me on the other hand, I don’t give a damn about any news outside of the United States.[/quote] This board and being proud of ignorance. Name a more iconic duo....
[quote]was that fat guy in the shot laughing?[/quote] Of course he was. The percentage being that high is peak comedy. ...
[quote]Last time I checked, Donald J Trump invented the word “Swamp”[/quote] :rotflmao:...
Your post is funny because just like your point, the picture is entirely fabricated. ...
[quote]There is NO breaking ranks. There is NO trash talking other Dems.[/quote] Where are you getting your news from to think something stupid like this?...
[quote]So frick you.[/quote] :usa:...
[quote]When it happens, get back to me.[/quote] :rotflmao: Yeah just shirk that responsibility to your country. That sounds about right for you. ...
[quote]within the context of the current conversation, i.e., lawfully elected UNITED STATES Presidents.[/quote] What you're doing now is called moving the goalposts. You talk as if the United States is immune to coup. :lol: Just do some research on the history of government and you'll se...
[quote]I have a history degree[/quote] Then why is a lawfully elected President staging a coup strange to you?...
[quote]A coup by a lawfully elected President?[/quote] You asked this question as if it's not possible to have a coup by a lawfully elected President. You need to read a few history books....
[quote]Ok. Deal. Confused, I don’t want the commie like Biden or HRC or Obama or Gavin anywhere near the WH. [/quote] Yeah. He's a man of principles. He wants his communist to have an (R) next to his name. Because then it's diffe(R)ent....
[quote]I say give him a go.[/quote] What is this based on? Watching him coach football? :lol:...
[quote]I personally know a young woman in her early 40's, a Jotato supporter who lost a 18 year old daughter in 2022 to an accidental fentanyl poisoning from a pill laced with fentanyl[/quote] That's horrible. Start collecting that evidence! You seem pretty confident so I bet any lawyer worth...
[quote]Your country is dead[/quote] You're projecting. If you don't like it here you are free to leave. There's plenty of research material available for places that might better fit your idea of society. :usa:...