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Some more links [link=(https://www.theyliedpeopledied.com/)]Ed Dowd's website[/link] [link=(https://gettr.com/post/pzic8a4126)]Ed Dowd's GETTR[/link] ...
[link=(https://nationalfile.com/mccarthy-used-ftx-cash-to-defeat-conservatives-in-2022/)]McCarthy Used FTX Cash to Defeat Conservatives in 2022[/link] [quote]GOP establishment leader and Speaker of the House pretender, Kevin McCarthy used FTX cash to defeat conservatives in 2022, as the corrupt, gl...


Posted by NeilBS on 11/11/22 at 7:24 pm
[quote]She said 350,000 votes from the [b]August primary[/b] haven't been counted. If true, it's incompetence [/quote] Yikes! :confused: ...


Posted by NeilBS on 11/11/22 at 5:23 pm
[link=(https://twitter.com/KariLake/status/1591155568588165120)]10 minute video[/link] If you watch it, yes it is actually a bombshell. It's not just that there are more votes out there that favor Reps, but the much bigger issue is that a bunch of untabulated (uncounted) votes have been commingled ...
Great article! [quote]Chef Curry "Ron is part of the MAGA coalition bruh. All of a sudden y’all think Ron is deep state incarnate." [/quote] Read the article more carefully [quote]There's an awful lot I like about Ron DeSantis, but when he is backed by Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, the Lincoln Project, an...

re: Livestream links for all the networks

Posted by NeilBS on 11/8/22 at 6:01 pm
[link=(https://americasvoice.news/)]Real America's Voice[/link]...

re: Desantis Lake ticket

Posted by NeilBS on 11/8/22 at 5:30 pm
2028 & 2032 ...
[quote]It will be interesting to see if the military is suspicious and forces a recount.[/quote] Per Tyrmand on Warroom, this is exactly what might happen. ...

re: bannon trump Brazil

Posted by NeilBS on 11/1/22 at 7:17 am
[quote]Bolsonaro already said he's not contesting the election and his party has a majority of seats in their congress. He may run in the next election even. [/quote] Source? I'm not seeing any news on this. I was wondering if his silence had meant he'd been disappeared. ...
[quote]Why would the winners question the election results?[/quote] These courts were setting up a pretext for disqualifying Bolsonaro, no matter the outcome, because he questioned the machines. They were basically declaring, back in June, that he's not allowed to win, no matter what. And if Bolson...
(June 8, 2022 article, but relevant now) [link=(https://reclaimthenet.org/brazils-election-court-says-it-will-nullify-election-winners-that-spread-online-disinformation/)]Brazil’s election court says it will nullify election winners that spread online “disinformation”[/link] [quote]Edson Fachin, th...
OP you linked the full PDF file. Here a link to the abstract [link=(https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.18.512756v1)]Abstract[/link] ...
I just watched it. That was really interesting. It has the CCP virus stuff, but also goes back to earlier history. ...

re: The Real Anthony Fauci DOCUMENTARY PT 1

Posted by NeilBS on 10/18/22 at 11:11 pm
See this earlier thread [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/display.aspx?p=104858441&sp=104859069&s=2#104859069)][SIAP] Link to The Real Anthony Fauci movie documentary based on book[/link] Official site for movie doc [link=(https://www.therealanthonyfaucimovie.com/trailer/)][i]The Real An...
Yes there's a countdown clock. Starts at midnight ET (11pm CT etc). ...
"BEGINNING OCTOBER 18TH FOR 10 DAYS ONLY YOU CAN SEE IT EXCLUSIVELY FOR FREE AND ONLY ON THIS PAGE (link below)." "Within the first 5 minutes, you know why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s blockbuster bestselling book (1M copies sold) [link=(https://www.therealanthonyfaucimovie.com/trailer/)][i]The Real A...
There is plenty of legit evidence of election fraud. We all know Trump won bigly. And Lindell deserves credit for his part in this fight. But I'm really worried that Lindell might be getting scammed here, and that DOJ is letting this stuff out now to embarrass him and to discredit all the...

re: Sarah Palin lost tonight

Posted by NeilBS on 9/1/22 at 1:59 am
[quote]Why did 16,700 of Republican Nick Begich's voters rank the Democrat 1st? fricking idiots[/quote] Perhaps he's really a Democrat. [link=(https://www.adn.com/politics/2021/10/22/nick-begich-republican-son-of-alaskas-leading-democratic-family-will-run-for-us-house/)]Nick Begich, Republican so...