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Registered on:10/7/2019
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re: Chainsaw recs

Posted by Stitches on 5/8/24 at 7:37 pm
Echo Timberwolf CS-590. ...

re: Anyone had mono as an adult?

Posted by Stitches on 5/4/24 at 12:35 am
Yes. Pretty much the same story as in your first paragraph. Came down with virus like symptoms, fever, chills, body aches, etc. Doctor would give me the rural family med special....a steroid shot and a z pack. Would feel great for a few days, and then start running fever again. Rinse and repeat. ...
[quote]The [b]African[/b] Conference of the UMC is [b]more conservative than even the traditionalists here[/b]. [/quote] This seems to hold true across all denominations from what I have observed. The African Catholics are the definition of based. ...
I agree with you. The point of my original response to Foo was to point out the flaw in his argument that Sola Scriptura adhering denominations don't have this issue, when in fact, ONLY Sola Scriptura adhering denominations have this issue. ...
[quote]When a congregation or denomination makes some other thing a higher authority than the Scriptures in terms of determining doctrine, then they are not adhering to sola scriptura. This is not a "no true Scotsman" fallacy[/quote] [quote]If a professing Christian is claiming that the Bible as ...
[quote]When the Bible is ignored when it plainly teaches about sexual sins and cultural perspectives are embraced as governing the actions of the church instead, then that is not sola scriptura.[/quote] Ah, the No true Scotsman fallacy. ...
[quote]This is what happens when you move away from the Bible as the sole infallible rule for faith and life.[/quote] This statement would only make sense if the denominations which reject the self-defeating doctrine of Sola Scriptura had this problem, and yet, only the denominations which adhere...

re: Garmin Tracking Collar

Posted by Stitches on 4/24/24 at 11:24 pm
Get the 300. ...

re: Venial Sin my butt!

Posted by Stitches on 3/31/24 at 7:57 pm
I'm applying for Holy Apostles online graduate program. Hoping to start in the fall, but my first child is also due any day now, so that might get pushed back. ...
Multiple things. 1) Comparing the doctrine as defined in the original Protestant confessions to the scriptures. For example, WCF 1.6 basically states that all things pertaining to a matter of salvation, faith, or life must be explicitly stated in scripture, or implied in such a way that you c...
Yeah its been quite the journey. Once the first plank fell (sola scriptura), everything else just sort of fell into place. ...
Holy Thursday is not a day of obligation....
[quote]Jesus gave up the ghost after only 6 hours. What’s the deal with that?[/quote] Being beaten almost to the point of death, having a crown of thorns shoved into your brain, and having the sins of the entire world pressed upon your shoulders in an instant might all have something to do wit...
[quote]you are excluded from drinking blood and eating human flesh.[/quote] [quote]It’s a cannibalistic ritual[/quote] So you admit that the bread and wine are transubstantiated into the flesh and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? [quote]a guy they murdered[/quote] That would ...
[quote]What happens during Easter vigil?[/quote] It's probably THE most sacred Mass for the entire liturgical year, but it's also 3 hours long. New converts are welcomed into the church during the vigil service, and some have to be baptized if they have never been baptized. It's basically lik...
Just follow along with what everyone else does, and you'll blend right in. There are really only a few times when you stand, and only a couple times during the consecration of the Eucharist when you kneel. It's super easy to follow along. Nobody will know you're not Catholic unless you tell every...

re: Venial Sin my butt!

Posted by Stitches on 3/24/24 at 9:19 am
Foo, I asked this in another thread, and the thread was deleted before I could see if you ever responded. What is your take on the flood being global vs local? ...
[quote]Do the majority of Catholics share Biden and Pelosi's view on abortion? [/quote] No. There isn't an entity on the planet that is more pro-life than the Catholic church. It goes without saying that there will be tares among the wheat though. ...
I'm the type of guy who would weigh each of my dogs the first day of each month, and give a dose of ivermectin accordingly. Never missed the first day of the month. One of my dogs still got heartworms. My vet said that ivermectin is becoming less effective in the south, and this is a more common...
[quote]Watership Down The Giver Wrinkle in Time Ender's Game Brave New World Frankenstine Time Machine Dracula Lord of the Flies Huck Finn [b]Call of the Wild[/b] [b]Treasure Island[/b] Gulliver's Travels Sword in the Stone Three Musketeers Swiss Family Robinson The Outsiders Little...