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Theodore Links Watch

Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:38
Registered on:2/11/2019
Online Status:Not Online

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re: Best coaching job

Posted by Theodore Links Watch on 5/23/24 at 11:40 pm
[quote]he has been all over the place trying to figure out how to right the ship all year long[/quote] Another way of saying this is "I don't understand the game of baseball nor could I ever coach it, so I'll just mindlessly look at box scores and records and say Jay didn't do well in hopes this nat...
[quote]So I just simplified it to everyone having to care about all sports equally because your original premise was completely retarded. [/quote] You actually just overcomplicated it for everyone, so allow me to simplify it. If you go out of your way to proclaim that you don't care about your schoo...
[quote]you decided to come here and call everyone names while pretending to be better than them [/quote] Who said I'm pretending?...
[quote]28 posts in 5 years but feels the need to call others cowards? I hope you’re an alter because this is just sad.[/quote] Having the ability to post an average of more than 3,000 times a year on a sports blog seems pretty sad to me. Different strokes for different folks though. Hopefully, you'r...
[quote]My opinion is, you are angered that it bothers you when UGA or Bama or other elite football programs mop the floor with your football team.[/quote] My football team has won the second-most national titles since the year 2000, so I consider us as elite a program as just about anyone else. Admi...
[quote]I would rather watch congressmen debating ad valorem taxes on CSPAN or the old plow rust out behind the barn than a college basketball game. [/quote] I'll be honest, I don't believe you simply because no sane person would brag about having such a lack of personality. To each his own though :...
[quote]Sorry but only a complete retard would claim fans should care about every sport equally without calling them cowards.[/quote] You still read at a third grade level don't you?...
[quote]I don't follow Mizzou golf. Damn, I didn't realize what a coward I was for that. I'll turn in my courage badge and my fan card. I'm so ashamed.[/quote] There's a difference between following a sport closely and trying to overcompensate for your one dimensional school by telling other fans tha...
[quote]This is your your first post in the last 10 months and you come on here calling people cowards who don't really follow baseball? Have you been in jail all this time? Did you get banned and had to go back to an alter? [/quote] I've been living life, attending graduate school which just finishe...

Cowardice among SEC fans

Posted by Theodore Links Watch on 5/22/24 at 1:13 pm
With the SEC baseball tournament in full swing, now is a great time to remind everyone that any fan that says "we don't care about x sport" is a coward and not a true fan of their school. Bama and UGA fans are some of the biggest offenders...
Whether you think the media gives LSU credit for the 2003 championship or not (I personally think LSU gets ample credit for it) the media has already implicitly given LSU credit for '03 post 2020. After Bama won the irrelevant Covid ship, there was tons of talk in the media about how significant it ...
Plenty to unpack here, so I'll go point by point[quote]It is an actual play, because it happens plenty of times. When you have a situation where you have to cut down the runner at the plate in the late innings, everyone has to be ready to move around, and that includes the pitcher covering third[/qu...
[quote]In the exact situation that you're so worried about, where a runner goes all the way from first to third, because the ss is covering second, the pitcher has the responsibility, and plenty of time, to cover third base.[/quote] my point to you is that this isn’t an actual play. It is a baseball...
[quote]As I just said to another person, the pitcher is free at that point to cover third base[/quote] the fact that you made comment gives me a lot of peace of mind. There is no situation in baseball where the pitcher covers 3rd on a bunt play. I can now truly rest assured that you have no idea wha...
[quote]And on a bunt play where the corners are crashing, the second baseman will run to first and the shortstop covers second. [/quote] That leaves no one at 3rd which is just not acceptable in a normal play call. I agree that the goal is to prevent runs from scoring, but your play should also not ...

The Death of Stalin

Posted by Theodore Links Watch on 7/5/23 at 7:46 am
Saw this movie for the first time streaming on Tubi, and I was impressed. While it's a comedy, a lot of the ways the film gets laughs is by highlighting the absurdity of the actual events in the aftermath of Stalin's death. It's a great watch for those that enjoy movies about the cold war...
[quote]not having the corners crashing would have been gross negligence, in my opinion.[/quote]The first and third basemen both crash only when the bases are unoccupied with runners. When runners are on the corners, third base is typically the only one that crashes while the pitcher covers the first...
[quote]Don and Ron can battle it out now, and in the general election their votes should theoretically be identical no matter which gets in.[/quote]Not true. While the votes they garner among republicans may be identical, you better believe that the turnout against Trump from independents and democr...
What's funny is the IARP did NOT find credible evidence of cash payments to prospective players or families. They also said that Wade's show cause is not totally restrictive but is limited to 10 games. Basically, there was no severe penalty issued due to lack of clear proof of wrongdoing. Glad all y...