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Registered on:1/21/2019
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[quote]The main problem is Dem scum is guaranteed to file suit and be hung up in the courts, defeating the purpose in the first place. Perhaps the legal authority also provides for expedited court review?[/quote] Until it gets to the SCOTUS that will side with the President. You don't think Presi...
[quote]I will always wonder what would have happened if the south had voluntarily abandoned slavery and continued arguing the states rights issue. I suspect they may have gained some support from northern states and things may have turned out much different, maybe the war itself may have been av...
[quote]I can't say exactly what I would have done, but the civil war is an extremely embarrassing part of our history IMO. While I obviously side with the right of the confederacy to exist, It's obvious that both sides didn't do enough to prevent bloodshed in the process. Sad era of us history that ...
[quote]I think the America died that day in all the ways that truly matter.[/quote] Agreed. People can say what you want about that man, but if I had lived in that time period I would have truly been willing to die for him. Outside of an immediate family member there's no one today I would say th...

re: Country's gone. It's over.

Posted by TTIOT on 1/26/19 at 8:47 am
[quote]Wow. Sounds like you don’t have a lot of faith in America [/quote] I still believe in what America is supposed to stand for. But I have no faith in the people of America. I think what a lot of us are saying is that America as it was is gone and the liberals will never allow America to be w...
[quote]America died in 1865 when the Tyrants won. It's over. Everyone is just feasting on the corpse. [/quote] [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xW0s6XFJyw)]LINK[/link] And America in many ways died on this battlefield, despite what others want to say. Part of me truly does believe I was...

re: Country's gone. It's over.

Posted by TTIOT on 1/26/19 at 8:34 am
[quote]We’re good until the baby’s boomers die off then we go over the cliff.[/quote] This is what I believe as well. Once the baby boomers are gone it will be a one party dictatorship here in the U.S. A mix of socialism and communism will happen. That's why I say I have thought about leaving ...
[quote]The other side would take this action and not think twice about it in executing their miss guided vision for devaluing America. So, you advocating taking no action with the thought that doing so would somehow keep the other side from ever taking emergency action is simply wrong. We are in a b...
[quote]There are so many things wrong with that analogy I don't even know where to begin[/quote] Since you are so much smarter than us simpletons why don't you begin then? Please tell us where we're wrong. Again Nguyener you are trying to be civil with people who have absolutely decided not t...
[quote]Let me remind you, during the Revolutionary War, the British soldiers couldn't compete against the revolutionaries. Marching in formation, in their bright red coats, they were mowed down by the patriots hiding behind obstacles. I'm sure as they continued to march in line, getting picked o...

re: Country's gone. It's over.

Posted by TTIOT on 1/26/19 at 8:19 am
[quote]I don't agree with this. So let me get this straight, you would assign responsibility for the defense of all the countries to one union....the North American Union? That's assigning a lot of responsibility to one entity. [/quote] With each paying an equal share. If a country doesn't agree ...
[quote]Yikes[/quote] Oh yeah because doing it your way the last 30 years has been so successful. Please tell me what about getting in the dirt with them and beating them at their own game is so wrong? ...
There's no deal on DACA and TPS right now. Nancy Pelosi wants to play hardball, why aren't we starting the process of deporting the DACA and TPS people now? I live in Florida, I've seen the TPS (specifically Haitians) at work. They are lazy, ungrateful, have an attitude that we need to adapt to t...
[quote]All of you blind lock step followers sicken me. You're literally no better than the dems who refused to criticize Obama. Stop sinking to the level of the left. Rise above that and be better.[/quote] Except we've tried that for 30 years and the Dems keep making more and more headway. Someti...

re: Country's gone. It's over.

Posted by TTIOT on 1/26/19 at 8:03 am
[quote]To be fair, wealth redistribution is better than wealth concentration.[/quote] How about those who earn the wealth get to keep the wealth. Isn't that a novel idea? ...

re: Country's gone. It's over.

Posted by TTIOT on 1/26/19 at 8:00 am
[quote]But where in the hell else could you go? The world is a train wreck that has been programmed to hate the success of American and its citizenry.[/quote] I don't think the whole world hates Americans like we are led to believe. Even if they aren't fond of us something tells me they wouldn't ...

re: Its state of emergency or 1 term

Posted by TTIOT on 1/26/19 at 7:55 am
If Trump doesn't get the wall I'm not sure what I'll do. My guess is vote against him in the Primaries for failing to deliver on his promise. Immigration was my #1 issue. If Trump did win the Primary than I would vote for him but i have a feeling he would lose pretty easily. It actually wouldn't ...

re: Country's gone. It's over.

Posted by TTIOT on 1/26/19 at 7:48 am
[quote]I like your idea, but I don’t think those other countries will survive once the Pax Americana is over.[/quote] Those other countries were around long before America was even a thought. The Eastern European countries would have to band together to protect what is theirs but I believe they c...

re: Country's gone. It's over.

Posted by TTIOT on 1/26/19 at 7:43 am
[quote]I agree. So maybe the solution is something along this line. We should contact our state legislators and demand a referendum on secession be included on the ballot on your next statewide election. I believe most people have come to the same conclusion I have....this country is so profoundly d...

re: Country's gone. It's over.

Posted by TTIOT on 1/26/19 at 7:36 am
[quote]Moving to another country to escape the Fall is not a viable option. The rest of the world has been living on Daddy’s credit card: that’s why they could sip coffee in Copenhagen during the Cold War. No defense spending needed. There is nothing after America.[/quote] Yeah but if America tru...