Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:37
Registered on:12/6/2018
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Jaray Jenkins to the draft

Posted by Free Drinks on 12/12/22 at 1:35 pm
Oh baby! We comin :geauxtigers: :geauxtigers:...
1. UCLA (1) 2. Baylor 3. LMU 4. Omaha 1. Oregon St (16) 2. Creighton 3. Michigan 4. Cincinnati Two Regional Winners: UCLA, Oregon St Super Regional Winner: UCLA 1. Texas Tech (8) 2. Dallas Baptist 3. Florida 4. Army 1. Oklahoma St (9) 2. UConn 3. Nebraska 4....
Fred's always has been and always will be my happy place. Those free drinks aren't going to drink themselves. :geauxtigers:...

re: nevermind

Posted by Free Drinks on 3/10/19 at 8:08 pm
Like others have said, good athletics drive applicants which in turn allows the university to be more particular about who they accept and drives academic growth. But more importantly, this was mishandled from the start. Suspending Wade does nothing for the University. Schools that have cooperated i...
Guy is senile but I won't lie and say I'm not looking forward to watching him clutch his pearls while we burn down the PMAC on our way to an SEC Championship ...
If anything it just continues to add fuel to the fire and let's ESPN put out another anti-LSU headline. Alleva and F King have so completely blundered this whole thing and the saddest part is not a single LSU fan expected them to do their jobs better than this. Its par for the course and an embarass...

re: Public Perception: LSU + FBI

Posted by Free Drinks on 3/9/19 at 12:40 pm
This is ridiculous. Had Alleva and F King done nothing we would be in a significantly more advantageous position right now than we are. All suspending Wade has done is add more fuel to the fire, we should've just shut our damn mouths, ignored the national media idiots, and carried on like business a...
Something is not right here. Why would Will Wade's attorney advise him not to speak with F King and Alleva unless he thought F King and Alleva did not have Wade's best interests in mind? Love the sentiment from Mallett and the BOS by extension, but Alleva and F King royally fricked up by suspending W...
But but but... Dick Vitale told us to suspend him.......
What's the point? Who are you appeasing? The NCAA can't nail anyone who doesn't just give themselves up. If we hadn't cooperated and continued on like it was business as usual this would blow over. Dumb arse Alleva is too chicken shite to handle a little pressure from little men with columns on SI.com...
[quote]will not renew season tickets unless joe alleva is fired[/quote] This will be the ONLY silver lining of this whole thing. Alleva needs to go and go now. Will Wade has done more for LSU Athletics in the past 18 months than anything that fraud Alleva is capable of. I'm disgusted at how the a...
What idiots, what fricking idiots. All F King and Alleva needed to do was sit on their hands and wait. But of course they bend over for Dick Saggy Balls Vitale and a bunch of national media hacks. Suspending Coach Wade is a bigger embarassment to the University than anything on the Wade tapes. Fa...
The only thing unfortunate about this is that we're going to have to listen to national talking heads blabber and pontificate about this and completely ignore the amazing season we've had. The program is not in danger, Will Wade is not in danger, Smart is not in danger. I'll be watching us storm...
It was foolish to give Giles 7 before he ever played a live snap for us. Don't need to burn the guy on his way out. Delpit will go out and ball next year and we will all forget the Giles era ever happened....
What about the guy makes you think he's a douche bag? Let's say for the sake of discussion he did commit NCAA violations, who cares? The tapes talk about competing offers, everyone is doing it and all you high and mighty posters need to quit the alligator tears. It's not like he pulled a Petrino and...


Posted by Free Drinks on 3/7/19 at 6:10 pm
Preach! They hate us cause they ain't us. I'm riding for Will Wade. ...
The NCAA is incompetent and the fact that the recordings of Wade so far have been pretty ambiguous combined with how the UNC situation played out leave me pretty confident. Dan Wolken, Jay Williams, and Pat Forde can all shove it. :doublebird: :geauxtigers:...