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Registered on:10/15/2018
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[quote]Of course, they were already mentally ill before, but Trump pushed him over the edge. He embarrassed them, which is the worst thing you could do to a leftist.[/quote] I agree.. Trump defeated Hillary... A lifetime Politician.. Defeated by an Egotistical Businessman with absolutely zero Po...
Surprised the libs haven't set up a gofundme for the Criminals family yet......

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by WWII Collector on 4/30/24 at 1:17 am
[quote]The AI of them both together got whacked earlier. But a man can dream, can he?[/quote] It's 2 am in the morning, the bar is closing and she's a democrat... What are you supposed to do?...
[quote]Her father was helping her the entire time. Media tried to flip it and victimize her as if he’s the reason.[/quote] When God calls me for judgement day, I hope I am in line behind The View, Colbert and Don lemmon. Wouldn't want to miss it....
[quote]Israel = rich; therefore evil. Palestine = poor; therefore good. It's that simple.[/quote]inquisition. You may have diagnosed the young Democrat brain.. Also add. Old established ways of life -bad New modern progressivism- good ...
[quote]Polls in April are almost irrelevant.[/quote] November. Cant get here soon enough... Most folks are starting to campaign, Trump is still fighting bogus democratic trials and inquisitions....
Will there be protesting that police should not chase criminals?...
We have a live Airport streaming station now with live play by play? ...
[quote]Leave other people's stuff alone.[/quote] I keep saying this... The day is coming that the US Flag outside your house will make you and your house a target for these leftist punks. They have no problem vandalizing crap that conservatives own. Cars, homes, business"... anything. Soon the...
[quote]I'm beginning to wonder why white males shouldn't follow the Collin Kaepernick example and start taking a knee for the anthem.[/quote] Normandy Cemetery Maybe, NFL Team fans that have a different political opinion. ...
No sure... But how do Palestinians feel about Drag Queens?...
[quote]Can you imagine white kids with confederate flags[/quote] Coming to a theater near you. Can you imagine white kids with US flags... Stay Tuned... ...
Right after he claimed Ameri an politics aren't what they used to be... I bet she did....
From my bar at the time.... [img]https://i.imgur.com/smN9M6D.jpeg[/img]...
[quote]"How is your friend Audrey doing?" She replied, "Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She is so popular on campus; college for her is a blast. She's always invited to all the parties and lots of times she doesn't even sho...