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re: Will Wade

Posted by WDAII on 3/25/19 at 2:25 pm
I haven’t seen anything about Will Wade’s lawyer. If he has a lawyer, his lawyer needs to come out with guns blazing and say everything that y’all are saying here....

re: Will Wade

Posted by WDAII on 3/25/19 at 2:03 pm
The defense lawyer does not have any interest in protecting Wade. He’s just looking out for his client’s best interest. ...

Will Wade

Posted by WDAII on 3/25/19 at 1:57 pm
1. I detest Alleva and Fking. They need to be fired. 2. Somebody please explain to me why Will Wade is precluded from discussing his taped conversation just because he is a potential defense witness. Did the judge issue a gag order? It seems to me that if there is no gag order and that as long...
You are the biggest loser pussy for saying this. You even admit you don’t know him personally and you go on and slander him and his family. I’ve been friends with Jay for 30 years. He may be the nicest guy in the world, and he is one of the biggest Tiger fans that ever existed....

Checks and Balances?

Posted by WDAII on 3/20/19 at 1:24 pm
If Alleva, FKing, BOS, JBE are all aligned, and they’re all a bunch of idiots, then who can fix this? 1. Do we have to wait until we can vote JBE out of office then let new gov clean house? 2. Can legislators step in and block some funding so that nobody gets paid? 3. Where do the corporate spon...
Haliburton is a Tiger. Played tight end for us back in the day. Don’t know the other dude....
WTF has he done to deserve a raise? This administration and BOS is a joke. ...
Saban revolutionized LSU Football just like WW is doing with LSU basketball and Skip did with baseball. Once in a lifetime, generational coaches....

re: DKE fraternity in the news again

Posted by WDAII on 2/14/19 at 4:48 pm
[quote]We made the pledges steal a Christmas tree every year. That was about the worst criminal activity, if you disregard the drunk driving and petty vandalism of rival houses. Drinking age was still 18, so that made life easier.[/quote] Lol you must’ve been one of those wild and crazy Acacia gu...

re: DKE fraternity in the news again

Posted by WDAII on 2/14/19 at 4:30 pm
[quote]Those guys are disgusting and they always have been. When you choose the behavior, you choose the consequences.[/quote] You’re a homo...

re: ESPN "Way-To-Early top 25"

Posted by WDAII on 2/13/19 at 9:12 pm
because of his past HC record he hasn’t earned a lot of trust yet. Hopefully he earns it after this year...

re: ESPN "Way-To-Early top 25"

Posted by WDAII on 2/13/19 at 9:04 pm
LSU is #12 because O was the worse coach in Ole Piss history lol...

re: Will Wade > Calipari

Posted by WDAII on 2/12/19 at 11:45 am
I don’t know for sure but I don’t think Calipari was doing what WW is doing at his age....

Will Wade > Calipari

Posted by WDAII on 2/12/19 at 11:38 am
Miles was completely clueless at the end of this gamez “clock it, clock it” Go back and rewatch it....