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Registered on:3/6/2018
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[quote]None of this affects the school’s ability to teach medicine. Accreditation should never have been in question because of allegations of racism, or even actual racism. [/quote] It does when it affects the learning of those individuals affected. Some of the complaints had to do with the treatm...
[quote]Conversely, if you knew an active participant in the riots of last summer, someone who burned and looted, did you inform on them? (not that in mattered)[/quote] I’d snitch on both of them. Especially if there was a monetary reward. I wish I knew who layed those pipe b*mbs, just so I could t...
[quote] Many still would probably be more understanding if some was to account for the lack of opportunities within certain communities if you are talking about admission to college initially and help within the framework of your studies while an undergrad. Even financial assistance in grad school w...
If it went solely off stats, majority of the docs would be Asian. Wouldn’t be many white doctors either. Out of the non-Asians, It’d come down to who can afford prep classes. Standardized test performance is almost solely based on how many questions you’ve done. If you can afford to pay for more que...
[quote]Correct, by admitting a minority with lower scores, they are essentially taking the position away from someone else who has higher scores and "earned" their position. It's horse shite.[/quote] Higher scores don’t equate better doctor… they equate better test taker. Especially since the MCAT a...
[quote]I thought about this, but if they are adding resources to educate those added spots, those spots could have gone to someone who actually earned it. [/quote]But many times the resources become available through grants and fundraising for those purposes, so it would hardly be specifically taki...
[quote]I do not want a doctor anywhere near me because he/she simply fit the criteria for a diverse student body in med school. That's bullshite. I think the whole thing is bullshite, but when it comes to medicine you don't play around like that.[/quote] I’m not sure that’s even possible. Even if s...
I’m curious why diversity has to mean there is a drop in competency? After all, all doctors must take and pass multiple examinations including board certification exams. If they pass them, then why not? I’m sure there’s incompetent doctors of all races. I would think diversity would mean ...
[quote]Again, in an overwhelming number of cases, there are black people and a Political Party that claims to want to help black people, running those Districts..... [/quote] So how would things be different if the district were run by non-blacks and non democrats? Do you ever think that the pe...
[quote]Problem is unless you change BLACK CULTURE, the money is being pissed away.[/quote] Yes, there are lots of issues with Black culture, but there's a lot of great things as well. As someone mentioned about the best way to enslave people is to allow them to enslave themselves. That's absolut...
[quote]says she is quad. Jamaican, [/quote] So a lot of people who's families are form the Caribbean or countries in Africa legit come in with PLANS and how to work the system. They are very successful because their culture is different than black Americans. We have a culture that offers little g...
[quote]Klansman" might be his date. [/quote] very astute obervation-- that's my bet too. And then it's a yearbook pic and the collage are all photos you can see his face. ...
[quote]BTW, Trump as so far, by EVERY measurable metric, been a better President than Obumbles....I know that bothers you....[/quote] Oh really? and what metrics are those? Last I checked, we have a Russian puppet who is about to give them exactly what they want, to start a nuclear arms race. Abo...
[quote]"I have a degree and you are just a plumber[/quote] Someone in here dropped that comparison... And also in similar fashion that is unfair to say or imply that someone being a plumber is worth less, just like it is demeaning to say that someone who worked to go to college has a "worthle...
[quote]Don't weep. I made that post over a year ago, but this thread was bumped by an idiot newb. [/quote] This idiot newb saw this post incidentally while searching for something different, and came across these racist, ignorant posts. Regardless of whether or not someone bumped the post, doe...
[quote]0% of black women I work with in corporate America can hardly finish a sentence without using Ebonics. I figure their job is to walk around the office all day talking, socializing, and pretending they are needed. I’ve never seen them actually work[/quote] First all, it seems to me that you...
[quote]Some of the most brilliant people in History were educated in places that had no A/C.....[/quote] Yea, but were their peers? And they had to have had other necessities...
[quote]I've seen black women with ivy league degrees that were dumber than a door knob[/quote] And this makes those situations the norm? Have you not also met whites with ivy league degrees who are dumb as a doorknob? You can have plenty of book smarts, but not have any common sense. ...
[quote]You wouldn't prefer a guy who has done it successfully more times, over the guy who has done it successfully less times?[/quote] It depends, if the guy has done the surgery successfully more times, but is 85 years old. I might be more obliged to go with the guy who has done is successfully...
[quote]hat doesn't seem to be true. [/quote] There are many reasons why people don't finish school. Lack of support is the LARGEST reason why people don't finish. You're assuming it all has to do with "flunking" out. Plus these stats don't match among people with similar obstacles or backgrounds...