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Registered on:8/15/2017
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[quote]Landry, Temple and the conservative legislators will have hell to pay once homeowners who have been with their carriers for years are dropped now. I predict this will be a total cluster making more people end up in Citizens. I hope I am wrong but after dealing with a legit claim from Ida and ...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/sDfz4Cws/IMG-1901.jpg[/img] I would have been defenseless against this adorable guy in college. You know he’s fun at parties and has never met a keg he didn’t like. ...
That’s the only people “tort reform” will help either. I keep Trying to tell yall. Insurance companies are evil...

re: EBR Mayor-President race

Posted by Wednesday on 5/1/24 at 3:04 pm
Ted James is a nice guy who has spent his career working for the national democrat party. Hard pass. Someone help me out here - does the entirety of EBR parish still get a vote on Mayor-President? I would assume so, but no idea . . . BC it does seem a little wackadoodle to me that St. George...
Exactly Such a waste of time, money and effort. Pay no attention to the stupid shite Congress is doing. These ill informed college kids are what you should be worried about. The Republican Party couldn’t find the issue if it bit them on the arse. Because the issue has been biting them in t...
I suggest the opposite. These idiots have no idea what they’re even protesting. They should not be informing any decisions of anyone with any authority. They shouldn’t even have any input. These morons can team up with Antifa and burn down their universities for all I care. They’re insipid a...
Correct. There’s no way they went that far in the ruling and are turning back. ...
Agree completely. I DGAF if you want to pay $80000 to go to school just to miss your finals or get expelled. Kick them out, do whatever to them, arrest them for trespassing, arrest them for breaking and entering. They can march around with their stupid signs and wear their tablecloths, even...
From a nerdy legal perspective- do any of you PoliBarristers know whether this order is immediately appealable? I think it can be in other contexts. Plus this order to take down “offending posts” appears to be a real first amendment problem. ...
These college protests are so annoying. They aren’t protests. They’re frat parties for ugly miserable people who can’t find dates. I refuse to take them seriously- and they will have no effect on the election....
I’ve been following this. It’s very moving. Congrats and kudos to Russell Brand. ...
[quote]Is Bob Menendez and/or his wife a victim of lawfare? Rod Blagojevich? That weirdo bald tranny federal official who liked to steal luggage?[/quote] No. These people are criminals. Prosecuting the lawyers who represented these criminals would be Lawfare. ...
[quote]What are the specific characteristics of a suit or prosecution that distinguish permissible litigation into lawfare?[/quote] Misuse of the judicial system by coordinating the judges, prosecutors or litigants to make a political point, and to ruin the opposing litigant. It is the death o...

Soltamayor is awful

Posted by Wednesday on 4/25/24 at 9:10 am
That is all...
Best - DJT - Foreign Policy was his best attribute. No new wars. Policies advanced were in our national interest. Worst-George W Bush. The Iraq War was the single most costly, unnecessary, divisive, dishonest war in American History. It cemented the Deep State’s authority over our government-...

re: Why are you protesting

Posted by Wednesday on 4/24/24 at 4:46 pm
I knew plenty of frat boys in college were highly intelligent, and even married one. Plus just looking at these morons, I can tell he actually smelled better :lol:...

re: Why are you protesting

Posted by Wednesday on 4/24/24 at 11:29 am
For actual college students these ridiculous protests are the nerd equivalent to frat parties. They get to feel like they’re part of something, people of whatever their sexual orientation / newfangled gender they like, are in attendance, and I’m sure there are mind altering substances available som...
[quote]Non-competes outside of select scenarios with executive leadership are horseshite.[/quote] Accurate. But still not sure how the FTC has the authority to regulate this. ...
I don’t think he did. But it doesn’t matter to me if he did. It’s not illegal to frick a porn star. It’s not illegal to settle a claim to avoid negative publicity or to avoid upsetting your wife. ...