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Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:334
Registered on:12/28/2015
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re: Do people honestly believe

Posted by MoroccoMole on 1/8/21 at 10:25 am
It's almost like someone DID want it to happen. [link=(https://au.news.yahoo.com/premeditated-video-emerges-trump-family-party-capitol-riots-075718517.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACBvEbqK3FmnpfULFB2WqMOBlNkW1ZEhwggJQoz3svaHYT8mn70wMEj_DllK...

Delaying the election

Posted by MoroccoMole on 7/30/20 at 10:03 am
Is there anything more unamerican than delaying an election? I'm guessing this is an unpopular opinion here based on recent posts I'm seeing. I'm usually just a lurker since many of you won't agree with my views, but this is worrying. I'm curious as to what veterans think about this?...
The appeal to me so far is the punch trackers. They rate your workout and put you on a leaderboard. So there’s a bit of a competitive edge to it. ...
Just ordered Fight Camp for the wife and I. She’s an avid kickboxer, but I saw that it’s more geared towards boxing. Does anyone have any experience with it? Looks like a good alternative to going to the gym right now considering they’re all closed. Edit: maybe should have posted this in the heal...
So you're telling me the answer to a pandemic is to have a cure for the disease? That's some profound shite....
Don’t argue with keyboard warriors. It’s all he’s got man. ...

re: This is fake news.

Posted by MoroccoMole on 3/19/20 at 6:26 pm
People like you make me worried for our education system ...
Maybe you can use your trump dollars to take your boyfriend out on a nice date. Lord knows you two deserve it. ...
Imagine being this triggered from a forum post? LMAO...
I like to lurk and read this boards hilarious satire....
I wish I could understand your way of thinking. Studies will be done one day on the mental gymnastics Trump supporters performed to never falter in their support....
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Trump supporters are you for real? I'm not convinced that this board isn't satire. ...

re: Calling it now. Rispone wins at 53%

Posted by MoroccoMole on 11/17/19 at 10:45 am
What a terrible troll account...
Nice double post. Insecure about it being unfunny?...
A debate came up in my workplace while discussing hosting a video game tournament. Someone asked about the prize money, and legalities. It was said that it's not gambling so it would be no different from a bowling or darts tournament. We would just accept money to enter and use that as the prize poo...
Why didn’t Trump shut the government down when GOP had control? ...
Does this post count as sky screaming?...
Running helped me. Never got an official diagnosis though....