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Registered on:5/27/2014
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I'm pretty sure this is fake. You can clearly see a mistake in the photoshop work...look at the Barack Obama text....
I'll never get tired of seeing this ad now [img]http://hoopeduponline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/lebron_james_powerade_workout.jpg[/img]...
Lebron is gonna come back into the game and hit the game winner. Book it folks...
Like a lot of people, Mario/Duck Hunt on NES However, most memorable would have to be Star Fox or Ocarina of Time. There were so many amazing games on N64, system was just way ahead of its time. The GOAT IMO....
I smoke my VitaCig daily...
Game, set, match. Heat win. Go enjoy your air conditioned homes....
Lets count the number of miami heat puns in the media after this game Nice job San Antonio, ever heard of A/C???? Your players average age is 40, they clearly cant play in these conditions. Lololol...
Donald Sterling sighting [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2rqgci9.jpg[/IMG]...
She won't be lacking in the rear when I'm done with her...
omg that is disgusting someone should whack this thread or put a NSFW...
Come on man, no fricking way...

re: How many of you Vape (Ecigs)

Posted by Exogenesis on 5/29/14 at 7:23 pm
Here are a few brand new, inexpensive suggestions for those interested. For those trying to quit smoking, or looking for a healthy vaping alternative, check out VitaCig: [link=(http://www.vitacig.org)]LINK[/link] [img]http://www.vitacig.org/wp-content/themes/mcig/lib/timthumb.php?src=http://ww...