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re: Black women are the most educated group

Posted on 2/1/19 at 7:28 am to
Posted by oogabooga68
Member since Nov 2018
27194 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 7:28 am to

What about functioning AC? No?

Some of the most brilliant people in History were educated in places that had no A/C.....
Posted by oogabooga68
Member since Nov 2018
27194 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 7:31 am to

Donald Trump-- was ELECTED into office

Yet millions of stupid black people voted for that bumbling, stupid Affirmative Action hire, Barak Obama based on the color of his skin....

BTW, Trump as so far, by EVERY measurable metric, been a better President than Obumbles....I know that bothers you....
Posted by Bulldogblitz
In my house
Member since Dec 2018
26858 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 7:32 am to
Doing less with more ever since topping the list....
Posted by jbond
Member since Jun 2012
4939 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 7:33 am to
No one says this. We all know it's Asians.
Posted by LordSaintly
Member since Dec 2005
39060 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 7:34 am to

My country has been intentionally dumbed down to the point of no return.....

Posts like this make me weep....

Don't weep. I made that post over a year ago, but this thread was bumped by an idiot newb.

Also, like I said last year: yes. The welder has less formal education. For the life of me, I don't know why that is such a controversial thing to say on this board. It is objectively true.

The welder may have more life experience. He may be smarter and he may be more financially stable. However, he has less formal education. His credentials require less time in school than the woman (which is the ONLY definition I'm using).

Why is that so bothersome?

Posted by oogabooga68
Member since Nov 2018
27194 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 7:36 am to
[quote] And of course this would be true if blacks disproportionately are coming from these types of underperforming, underfunded, overpopulated schools THAT ARE RUN BY DEMOCRATS AND BLACK PEOPLE....[/quote]

You left some things out, I fixed it for're welcome!
Posted by oogabooga68
Member since Nov 2018
27194 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 7:45 am to

Why is that so bothersome?

Because the word "educated" has become weaponized.

Since the Left have decided EVERYTHING is Political and NO ONE is allowed to opt out, they often retreat to argument from authority as some sort of justification for some really stupid ideas.

By saying "I have a degree and you are just a plumber", they seek to diminish the opinions of those who are quite often MUCH more intelligent by hiding behind some pretty worthless "degrees".

I'm not ashamed to say I quit college 3 years into it and embarked on adventures that the insular bubble of college life could have NEVER provided me.
Posted by Sody Cracker
Distemper Ward
Member since May 2016
3409 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 7:47 am to
Here is your proof. NSFW due to very little cussing.


Educated women fighting.
This post was edited on 2/1/19 at 7:48 am
Posted by LordSaintly
Member since Dec 2005
39060 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 8:14 am to

By saying "I have a degree and you are just a plumber", they seek to diminish the opinions of those who are quite often MUCH more intelligent by hiding behind some pretty worthless "degrees".

Couldn't agree more
Posted by Klark Kent
Houston via BR
Member since Jan 2008
67051 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 8:16 am to

90% of black women I work with in corporate America can hardly finish a sentence without using Ebonics. I figure their job is to walk around the office all day talking, socializing, and pretending they are needed. I’ve never seen them actually work
This post was edited on 2/1/19 at 8:18 am
Posted by onmymedicalgrind
Member since Dec 2012
10591 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 9:12 am to

Hey, Southern White males are pretty fking awesome, truth be told....YOU'RE WELCOME!

Yall are OK in small doses
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
124628 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 9:25 am to

Don't let the facts from the National Center for Education hit you in the face.
I like the messaging. I do.
Hopefully it will be interpreted as education being necessary and cool, especially amongst black Americans.

Unfortunately, "interpretation" of that review reflects statistical gamesmanship, aka lies.

Wide disparities in educational attainment still exist along racial lines, the Census shows. More than 37 percent of non-Hispanic white Americans have a college degree, while just 23 percent of African-Americans have reached the same level of formal education. Only 16.4 percent of Hispanic Americans have a college degree.

Posted by Ebbandflow
Member since Aug 2010
13457 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 9:47 am to

Twofers get degrees thrown at them?

What is a twofer?
Posted by creppeln
Member since Mar 2018
41 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 12:18 pm to

I've seen black women with ivy league degrees that were dumber than a door knob

And this makes those situations the norm? Have you not also met whites with ivy league degrees who are dumb as a doorknob? You can have plenty of book smarts, but not have any common sense.
Posted by creppeln
Member since Mar 2018
41 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 12:21 pm to

Some of the most brilliant people in History were educated in places that had no A/C.....

Yea, but were their peers? And they had to have had other necessities
Posted by creppeln
Member since Mar 2018
41 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 12:33 pm to

0% of black women I work with in corporate America can hardly finish a sentence without using Ebonics. I figure their job is to walk around the office all day talking, socializing, and pretending they are needed. I’ve never seen them actually work

First all, it seems to me that you think that white people who do the same thing in the place of work are the exception or you don't seem to notice as much. Or maybe they aren't walking around socializing... they're often on Gchat or surfing the web, and commenting of forums.
People tend to view people belonging to similar culture and background as normal, and the few slackers are the outliers and not the norm. Conversely, others view negative traits of people who aren't belonging to their culture as the norm, with the well "behaving" ones being outliers or exceptions. That's a psychological fact-- don't be fooled into thinking this way.
Second, do not confuse people speaking colloquially as people who are uneducated by the way they talk. "Ebonics" is effectively a dialect, so it's no different than people who speak Cajun-French, Québécois French, or other dialects among a language. It is culturally different, and just because you do not understand their culture, doesn't mean that you get to judge someone.
Also, white people and black people often have a different culture and how time is viewed. As long as they are getting what they need to get done finished, it's ok. Just because someone does not work the same way, using the same methods as you, or is more personable than you are, doesn't mean that they aren't doing their job. Sure, there might be slacking going on, but don't act like that is necessarily the norm as if it is fact.
I know plenty of white people whom I have worked with who can be just as unproductive, and if not more.
Lastly, regardless of what someone's formal education level is, everyone has a unique skillset in society and a purpose that fits the needs of society. If you aren't productive than shame on you. However, race doesn't determine whether or not someone is able to fill a specific role in society. I reject the notion that you feel you can judge an entire race of people (or even a majority within a race of people) by a select few that you have encountered among certain circles.

This post was edited on 2/1/19 at 1:20 pm
Posted by creppeln
Member since Mar 2018
41 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 12:57 pm to

Don't weep. I made that post over a year ago, but this thread was bumped by an idiot newb.

This idiot newb saw this post incidentally while searching for something different, and came across these racist, ignorant posts. Regardless of whether or not someone bumped the post, doesn't mean that y'all had to engage. That is your decision.

And as I have said before, your level of education is not equivalent to your ability to contribute to society. Not every vocation requires a lot of formal education, while others may. Every person has the ability to acquire skills that will enable to contribute to society in varying areas. Everyone has the responsiblity to contribute and produce, and shame on you if you choose not to be a contributing member of society regardless of what race you are.
I reject the notion that someone should be considered superior to another based on the level of education achieved. However, this stat does show that there is an increased level of pursuing higher education than there has been previously, and also shows that perhaps more black women are pursuing higher education than previously thought.
Of course, instead of just taking these facts as they are, people are posting trying to dismiss this as saying that this influx doesn't count because they are probably getting "pointless" degrees that they "didn't earn". The audacity for someone to assume that a whole group of people didn't work hard to achieve their level of education in order to better themselves financially, or to pursue their dreams. This is unacceptable, and the fact that people allow each other to just say the most ridiculous, racially charged things that they wouldn't dare say to someone's face is just sickening.
And for the record, it doesn't matter where you are there will ALWAYS be people who obtained a degree that they probably didn't earn. There will always be people who had favors called for them or connections whatever it may be. For the most part, if someone didn't deserve to be in a school then they will fail, and weed themselves out. It doesn't mean that someone shouldn't be given a chance because they might not do well, if you have reason to believe that they will do well. People should be given the opportunity to do well without things like standardized tests being such heavy determinants on whether they should be given an opportunity. There are people who had to bust their behinds, just to get things that are handed to other people and they still come up short. There's nothing wrong with giving someone the chance to demonstrate their abilities. In fact, anyone can learn most things. It's the ability to be resourceful, have a stable enough life outside of school, and work hard consistently that gets people through rigorous programs. It also helps if you have positive reinforcement and role models to interact with to help you toward that end goal, and see what steps are taken to achieve.
The problem is, black people are expected to "prove" that they belong in universities, while white students are assumed that they are. The very fact that it is assumed that a seat was "taken" from a white person baffles me. Who's to say it was their seat to begin with? Also, if anyone gets seats taken from them, it is Asians. They consistently have higher scores and yet don't get every seat in colleges.
There is nothing wrong with a school believing that representation of the various demographics in their university should reflect the demographics in the country. If a certain group is overrepresented, and another group is underrepresented, then it is fair to ask yourself why that is and if the standards by which people are being judged is inherently fair, especially when you see students perform extremely well despite those perceived "shortcomings".

Everyone has a skillset and a purpose, and everyone deserves to have the opportunity to let that shine. The idea that any one group shines at the expense of an other is really archaic, and maybe even primitive thinking. “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”
This post was edited on 2/1/19 at 1:05 pm
Posted by creppeln
Member since Mar 2018
41 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 1:14 pm to

"I have a degree and you are just a plumber

Someone in here dropped that comparison...

And also in similar fashion that is unfair to say or imply that someone being a plumber is worth less, just like it is demeaning to say that someone who worked to go to college has a "worthless degree". I hope that whatever someone chooses to pursue, that it serves some kind of purpose in their life, or offers some kind of skillset, regardless of if it is universally recognized.
You never know when a skill or something you learn will become applicable. The level of education a person chooses to obtain is fine, as long as whatever that level is allows them to better themselves and contribute to society somehow. If it does then it served its purpose, and if not then, well, maybe re-evaluate what you are doing.
This post was edited on 2/1/19 at 1:16 pm
Posted by creppeln
Member since Mar 2018
41 posts
Posted on 2/1/19 at 7:58 pm to

BTW, Trump as so far, by EVERY measurable metric, been a better President than Obumbles....I know that bothers you....

Oh really? and what metrics are those? Last I checked, we have a Russian puppet who is about to give them exactly what they want, to start a nuclear arms race. About to get us into war with multiple countries. Literally the president is outwardly breaking laws, paying off people with hush money. We had the government shut down for the longest period of time EVER, costing the US $11B dollars, $3B of which will likely never be recovered, and with no resolution. Over a wall that isn't gonna stop any drugs from coming in, when we got high functioning ships and tunnels fully equipped to smuggle the most dangerous things in. The national debt is the most it has EVER been-- what is it like $4TRILLION? He ran on being a "negotiator" yet, he has blown almost every negotiation and treaty he has been involved with. Health insurance is even WORSE than it was with Obama. They took away these incentives, and made it more expensive to administer health plans that offer even less health coverage. Then his dumb self is still issuing the tax credits, so it isn't even costing people more in order to drive people away from buying like he wanted, but only served to make it more expensive for the government since they now have to issue even larger credits for more expensive plans-- just dumb.
The audacity of you to call Barack (which you incorrectly spelled in case you were wondering) Obama, "Obumbles" when Trump is literally the least articulate president we have had in recent history. He can't even pronounce reasonable words, or spell them correctly, but yet he wants to represent the country. But y'all let all of that slide because why?
We've had some great republican presidents who have done their job well, regardless of if I agreed with all of their policies, but Trump isn't even remotely close to being one of them. If Obama had even been accused of ANY ONE of the things Trump is accused of, he would have been out of office by now. It's a double standard, and in particular of all the democrat presidents, Obama is the one that triggers you the most. I think you should check your motives for that...
I don't even know why I even spent the time saying this because we know the reason why you have a particular problem with Obama. The things you even could say about him is "affirmative action" and racist remarks with no factual basis. We also know that you don't REALLY believe Trump is a good president, but you can't admit it. You can't admit that you judge Trump by separate standards than you did Obama. In fact the only way people like you speak about Trump isn't by saying that he is a good president by his own merits, they immediately just try and compare their opinion of Trump to their opinion of Obama with nothing to back it up.
This post was edited on 2/1/19 at 8:03 pm
Posted by creppeln
Member since Mar 2018
41 posts
Posted on 2/2/19 at 10:24 am to

says she is quad. Jamaican,

So a lot of people who's families are form the Caribbean or countries in Africa legit come in with PLANS and how to work the system. They are very successful because their culture is different than black Americans. We have a culture that offers little guidance on how to work this "system" in our favor, plus in general, little support from friends and family. So there's that...
Not really trying to make an excuse, but to offer a contrast that is greatly overlooked because she is black. Yes, she is black, but being black from an immigrant family is completely different.
This post was edited on 2/2/19 at 11:14 am
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