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re: TASER is an acronym for Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle.

Posted on 11/15/14 at 12:05 pm to
Posted by fr33manator
Baton Rouge
Member since Oct 2010
124873 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 12:05 pm to

The male giraffe determines a female's fertility by tasting her urine.

Isn't that how everyone does it?
Posted by Scruffy
Kansas City
Member since Jul 2011
72370 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 12:15 pm to
Unknown to most, Italians are genetically unable to be embarrassed.

The French have become so accustomed to eating cheese and drinking wine that it can be fatal if they go more than a month without either.

Arkansas's mascot was originally an overweight woman, but people found it offensive and it was changed in the 1930s.
Posted by heypaul
The O-T Lounge
Member since May 2008
38133 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 12:37 pm to
Homosexuality was still classified as an illness in Sweden in 1979. Swedes protested by calling in sick to work, claiming they felt gay.

Delaware has the fewest counties (three) of any state in the United States:
Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex.

Pablo Escobar’s Medellin Cartel spent $2,500 a month on rubber bands to hold all their cash.

The fastest two-legged creature on Earth is the ostrich, which can reach 45 mph over short distances.

Thought to be the original fast-food,
Genghis Khan and his hordes carried around flat patties of ground up mutton
under their saddles to eat on the go.

Philip Morris once ran an ad acknowledging “smokers’ cough.” They claimed it was caused by smoking brands other than Philip Morris.

Bone cells are constantly renewed, so every ten years you have a "new" skeleton.

Father Gabriele Amorth, the Vatican's former chief exorcist, says practicing yoga is Satanic. "It leads to evil just like reading Harry Potter."

The eye chart with the big "E" on top is called a Snellen Chart.

Posted by heypaul
The O-T Lounge
Member since May 2008
38133 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 9:26 pm to
Before he wrote Jaws, Peter Benchley was a speechwriter for LBJ.

Lead will float in mercury, but a lump of tungsten will sink

The word "dude" is used 161 times in The Big Lebowski.

The 1904 Summer Olympic Games, held in St. Louis, included greased pole climbing, rock throwing, and even mud fighting.

Gerald Ford's son Steven had a recurring role on The Young and the Restless. He also appeared on Baywatch.

Despite being staples of the Old West landscape, neither horses nor tumbleweeds are native to North America.

Between 1978 and 1995 there were 37 deaths in the U.S. credited to vending machines.

The notorious Roman emperor Nero employed 5,000 knights and soldiers to accompany him on his music concert tours just to applaud him.
Posted by chinhoyang
Member since Jun 2011
23766 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 9:30 pm to
A long list of almost every phobia you can imagine:

acarophobia fear of itching or itching bugs
acrophobia fear of heights
aerophobia fear of flying or draughts
agoraphobia fear of open spaces
agyiophobia fear of crossing busy streets
aichmophobia fear of sharp or pointed objects
ailurophobia fear of cats
algophobia fear of pain
amathophobia fear of dust
amaxophobia fear of riding in a car
ambulophobia fear of walking
anglophobia fear of England or the English
anthrophobia fear of humans
anuptaphobia fear of staying single
aquaphobia fear of water
arachibutyrophobia fear of peanut butter sticking to roof of mouth
arachnophobia fear of spiders
astraphobia fear of being struck by lightning
astrapophobia fear of thunder and lightning
automysophobia fear of being dirty
autophobia fear of solitude
ballistophobia fear of missiles
bathophobia fear of falling from a high place
batophobia fear of heights or being close to tall buildings
batrachophobia fear of frogs and toads
belonephobia fear of pins and needles
bibliophobia fear of books
blennophobia fear of slime
brontophobia fear of thunder and lightning
cancerophobia fear of cancer
cathisophobia fear of sitting
cenophobia fear of empty spaces
chickenophobia fear of being banned on TD
chrematophobia fear of money
cibophobia fear of or distaste for food
claustrophobia fear of closed spaces
climacophobia fear of falling down stairs
clinophobia fear of staying in bed
cremnophobia fear of cliffs and precipices
cyberphobia fear of computers
cynophobia fear of dogs
dromophobia fear of crossing streets
dysmorphophobia fear of physical deformities
ecophobia fear of home
eleutherophobia fear of freedom
eosophobia fear of dawn
ergasiophobia fear of work
ergophobia fear of work
erotophobia fear of sex
erythrophobia fear of red lights or of blushing
euphobia fear of good news
Francophobia fear of France or the French
gallophobia fear of France or the French
gamophobia fear of marriage
geniophobia fear of chins
genophobia fear of sex
gerascophobia fear of growing old
graphophobia fear of writing
gymnophobia fear of nudity
heliophobia fear of sunlight
herpetophobia fear of snakes
hierophobia fear of sacred things
homichlophobia fear of fog
homophobia fear of homosexuals
hydrophobia fear of water
hypsophobia fear of high places
iatrophobia fear of going to the doctor
iconophobia fear or hatred of images
kainotophobia fear of change
kakorrhaphiophobia fear of failure
kenophobia fear of empty spaces
ligyrophobia fear of loud noises
linonophobia fear of string
lygophobia fear of darkness
lyssophobia fear of hydrophobia
macrophobia fear of prolonged waiting
metrophobia fear of poetry
monophobia fear of being alone
muriphobia fear of mice
myophobia fear of mice
mysophobia fear of contamination or dirt
nebulaphobia fear of fog
necrophobia fear of corpses
negrophobia fear of blacks
neophobia fear of novelty
nosophobia fear of disease
novercaphobia fear of one's stepmother
nyctophobia fear of the night or darkness
ochlophobia fear of crowds
oenophobia fear or hatred of wine
ombrophobia fear of rain
onomatophobia fear of hearing a certain word
ophidiophobia fear of snakes
ophthalmophobia fear of being stared at
optophobia fear of opening one’s eyes
ornithophobia fear of birds
paedophobia fear of children; fear of dolls
panophobia melancholia marked by groundless fears
pantophobia fear of everything
parthophobia fear of virgins
pathophobia fear of disease
pediculophobia fear of lice
pentheraphobia fear or hatred of one’s mother-in-law
phagophobia fear of eating
phengophobia fear of daylight
phonophobia fear of noise or of speaking aloud
photophobia fear of light
pogonophobia fear of beards
psychrophobia fear of the cold
pteronophobia fear of being tickled by feathers
pyrophobia fear of fire
Russophobia fear of Russia or Russians
satanophobia fear of the devil
sciaphobia fear of shadows
scopophobia fear of being looked at
scoptophobia fear of being looked at
scotophobia fear of the dark
sitiophobia fear of food
sitophobia fear of food or eating
spectrophobia fear of looking in a mirror
symmetrophobia fear of symmetry
syphilophobia fear of syphilis
taphephobia fear of being buried alive
technophobia fear of technology
thalassophobia fear of the sea
thanatophobia fear of death
theophobia fear of God
tocophobia fear of pregnancy or childbirth
tonitrophobia fear of thunder
topophobia fear of performing; fear of certain places
toxicophobia fear of poisoning
toxiphobia fear of poison or being poisoned
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number thirteen
uranophobia fear of heaven
xenophobia fear of foreigners
zelophobia fear of jealousy
zoophobia fear of animals
This post was edited on 11/15/14 at 9:34 pm
Posted by heypaul
The O-T Lounge
Member since May 2008
38133 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 9:36 pm to

negrophobia fear of blacks

hey now
Posted by chinhoyang
Member since Jun 2011
23766 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 9:37 pm to
It is a list of scientific terms. I didn't give it a p.c. filtering.
Posted by heypaul
The O-T Lounge
Member since May 2008
38133 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 9:41 pm to
oh ok
it's all good

but i don't see what i suffer from:
halitosis phobia
Posted by chinhoyang
Member since Jun 2011
23766 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 9:45 pm to
Since the game is a travesty, here is a long list of manias:

ablutomania mania for washing oneself
aboulomania pathological indecisiveness
agromania intense desire to be in open spaces
andromania nymphomania
anglomania craze or obsession with England and the English
anthomania obsession with flowers
aphrodisiomania abnormal sexual interest
arithmomania obsessive preoccupation with numbers
balletomania abnormal fondness for ballet
bibliomania craze for books or reading
bruxomania compulsion for grinding teeth
cacodemomania pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit
catapedamania obsession with jumping from high places
chinamania obsession with collecting china
choreomania dancing mania or frenzy
clinomania excessive desire to stay in bed
copromania obsession with feces
cytheromania nymphomania
dacnomania obsession with killing
demonomania pathological belief that one is possessed by demons
dinomania mania for dancing
dipsomania abnormal craving for alcohol
discomania obsession for disco music
doramania obsession with owning furs
doromania obsession with giving gifts
drapetomania intense desire to run away from home
dromomania compulsive longing for travel
ecdemomania abnormal compulsion for wandering
egomania irrational self-centered attitude or self-worship
eleutheromania manic desire for freedom
empleomania mania for holding public office
enosimania pathological belief that one has sinned
entheomania abnormal belief that one is divinely inspired
epomania craze for writing epics
ergasiomania excessive desire to work; ergomania
ergomania excessive desire to work; workaholism
erotomania abnormally powerful sex drive
etheromania craving for ether
ethnomania obsessive devotion to one's own people
eulogomania obsessive craze for eulogies
flagellomania abnormal enthusiasm for flogging
florimania craze for flowers
francomania craze or obsession with France and the French
gallomania craze or obsession with France and the French
gamomania obsession with issuing odd marriage proposals
Graecomania obsession with Greece and the Greeks
graphomania obsession with writing
gynaecomania abnormal sexual obsession with women
habromania insanity featuring cheerful delusions
hagiomania mania for sainthood
Hellenomania obsession with Greece and the Greeks; Graecomania
hexametromania mania for writing in hexameter
hieromania pathological religious visions or delusions
hippomania obsession with horses
hydromania irrational craving for water
hylomania excessive tendency towards materialism
hypermania severe mania
hypomania minor mania
hysteromania nymphomania
iconomania obsession with icons or portraits
idolomania obsession or devotion to idols
infomania excessive devotion to accumulating facts
islomania craze or obsession for islands
Italomania obsession with Italy or Italians
kleptomania irrational predilection for stealing
klopemania kleptomania
logomania pathological loquacity
lypemania extreme pathological mournfulness
macromania delusion that objects are larger than natural size
megalomania abnormal tendency towards grand or grandiose behaviour
melomania craze for music
methomania morbid craving for alcohol
metromania insatiable desire for writing verse
micromania pathological self-deprecation or belief that one is very small
monomania abnormal obsession with a single thought or idea
morphinomania habitual craving or desire for morphine
musomania obsession with music
mythomania lying or exaggerating to an abnormal extent
narcomania uncontrollable craving for narcotics
necromania sexual obsession with dead bodies; necrophilia
nosomania delusion of suffering from a disease
nostomania abnormal desire to go back to familiar places
nymphomania excessive or crazed sexual desire
oenomania obsession or craze for wine
oligomania obsession with a few thoughts or ideas
oniomania mania for making purchases
onomamania mania for names
onomatomania irresistible desire to repeat certain words
onychotillomania compulsive picking at the fingernails
opiomania craving for opium
opsomania abnormal love for one kind of food
orchidomania abnormal obsession with orchids
parousiamania obsession with the second coming of Christ
pathomania moral insanity
peotillomania abnormal compulsion for pulling on the penis
phagomania excessive desire for food or eating
phaneromania habit of biting one’s nails
pharmacomania abnormal obsession with trying drugs
phonomania pathological tendency to murder
photomania pathological desire for light
phyllomania excessive or abnormal production of leaves
phytomania obsession with collecting plants
planomania abnormal desire to wander and disobey social norms
plutomania mania for money
polemomania mania for war
politicomania mania for politics
polkamania craze for polka dancing
polymania mania affecting several different mental faculties
poriomania abnormal compulsion to wander
pornomania obsession with pornography
potichomania craze for imitating Oriental porcelain
potomania abnormal desire to drink alcohol
pseudomania irrational predilection for lying
pteridomania passion for ferns
pyromania craze for starting fires
rhinotillexomania compulsive nose picking
rinkomania obsession with skating
satyromania abnormally great male sexual desire; satyriasis
scribbleomania obsession with scribbling
sebastomania religious insanity
sitiomania morbid aversion to food
sophomania delusion that one is incredibly intelligent
squandermania irrational propensity for spending money wastefully
stampomania obsession with stamp-collecting
syphilomania pathological belief that one is afflicted with syphilis
technomania craze for technology
Teutomania obsession with Teutonic or German things
thanatomania belief that one has been affected by death magic, and resulting illness
theatromania craze for going to plays
theomania belief that one is a god
timbromania craze for stamp collecting
tomomania irrational predilection for performing surgery
toxicomania morbid craving for poisons
trichotillomania neurosis where patient pulls out own hair
tulipomania obsession with tulips
typhomania delirious state resulting from typhus fever
typomania craze for printing one’s lucubrations
uranomania obsession with the idea of divinity
verbomania craze for words
xenomania inordinate attachment to foreign things
zoomania insane fondness for animals
Posted by Jim Rockford
Member since May 2011
98611 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 9:46 pm to

People didn't always say "hello" when they answered the phone. When the first regular phone service was established in 1878, people said "ahoy."

I'm going to do my part to reestablish this custom.
Posted by Napoleon
Member since Dec 2007
69385 posts
Posted on 11/15/14 at 10:42 pm to

Until last night my wife had no idea there were no polar bears in Alaska.

Well your wife used to be right.
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