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re: Famed atheist and biologist calls the idea of more than two genders “utter nonsense”

Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:05 pm to
Posted by UGATiger26
Jacksonville, FL
Member since Dec 2009
9055 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:05 pm to

Alright. I give up.

Let's try the Socratic dialogue method, and see if we can't make any headway there.

In this case, Bronc will be the idealistic library programs coordinator (PC) speaking with his boss, the impressionable yet practical library manager (LM).

LM: Any ideas for new community programs?

PC: I’d like to coordinate a drag queen to come and do storybook hour.

LM: Isn’t storybook hour for kids?

PC: Yes, why?

LM: Why would that be an appropriate venue for drag queens?

PC: Free speech.

LM: Whose free speech?

PC: The drag queens’.

LM: Why do drag queens need to exercise their free speech at storybook hour?

PC: Because we’re inviting them to.

LM: OK, but why would we do that?

PC: Free speech.

LM: Yeah, I heard you the first time. But why would we even entertain this idea in the first place? Doesn’t assistant librarian Bernice usually read storybook hour?

PC: Yes

LM: Is there a problem with her reading it?

PC: She’s OK I guess.

LM: Will the drag queens read the books better?

PC: I don’t know.

LM: Are there benefits to this?

PC: I don’t know.

LM: Is there research out there from other libraries that have done the same thing with quantifiable and replicable positive learning outcomes?

PC: I don’t know.

LM: OK, let’s start over. Give me one tangible reason why coordinating drag queens to read story hour is something we should consider.

PC: Free speech.

LM: Can’t drag queens do their drag shows in other venues and for other audiences? Why does it have to be in the library and specifically for children’s storybook hour? Can’t they do an adult story hour on like a Friday night at a bar or nightclub or something?

PC: Why are you trying to use the state to violently suppress people’s speech?

LM: Is that what I’m doing? I’m not the state. And I’m not doing anything violent. I’m just trying my best to manage a library.

PC: I hope you die of cancer.
This post was edited on 3/22/23 at 7:08 pm
Posted by Bronc
Member since Sep 2018
12646 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:42 pm to
You could just say I dont believe in natural rights or the right of free speech, have no actual evidence to support the necessity to catastrophize and/or restrict this particular speech, and save yourself the virtue signaling and overwrought script of straw men.

No one is arguing to force people to attend a drag story hour. Or host them at venues that don't want to host them.

Just like no one is forcing someone to take a kid to some crazy arse Jesus Camp, or participate in creepy arse children's beauty pageants. But in a country with freedom of speech as a natural right, people can do all sorts of shite I don't agree with as long as they do not lead to imminent lawless action or create certain forms of harm.

Then again, in good ole Louisiana, cant help but impose their morality and ignore the separation of church and state....
This post was edited on 3/22/23 at 7:47 pm
Posted by UGATiger26
Jacksonville, FL
Member since Dec 2009
9055 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:53 pm to
Fare thee well, Bronc.

I've given you enough rope to hang yourself with.

Unlike you, the only death I'd wish upon someone in this thread is a metaphorical one.
Posted by RTRinTampa
Central FL
Member since Jan 2013
5532 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 8:02 pm to

Everything is factual. You say it wasn’t about gender then use sex in support. That can only mean two things….you either do not undersatand the subject matter or you’re just being obtuse. Sex is biological, gender is cultural/society. They are interchangeable terms and have little to do with one another.

Then why do transGENDER women insist on using female (sex) restrooms? Do we need 52 different gender bathrooms?

You've taken a really simple issue and over complicated it.

Transgenders' problem isn't between their legs. It's between their ears. Cutting off physical body parts won't resolve a mental problem.
Posted by Bourre
Da Parish
Member since Nov 2012
20332 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 8:02 pm to
You sound like you have pedophile tendencies. You must be one of those leftist MAP people. You probably should not be around children unattended
This post was edited on 3/22/23 at 8:40 pm
Posted by WinnPtiger
Fort Worth
Member since Mar 2011
23956 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 8:15 pm to

Gender by any definition is defined by characteristics associated with sex established by social and cultural constructs. Grammar mirrors this exactly.

yeah, it’s called evolution. men and women have developed traits over hundreds of thousands of years to help propagate the species. it only took the most advanced civilization in human history to decide that isn’t good enough for us
Posted by Antonio Moss
Baton Rouge
Member since Mar 2006
48348 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 9:23 pm to

Since there certainly are it seems there are three grammatical genders, feminine, limited to the characteristics associated with femininity, masculinity, limited to the characteristics associated with the characteristics associated with masculinity, and neuter, not limited to the characteristics of anything. So three grammatical genders, two which are limited (finite) and one that is unlimited (infinite). That means that there is an infinite amount of possible grammatical genders by definition.

In what world is the lack of something synonymous with an infinite number of possibilities?

Your argument is akin to arguing that silence is the same as an infinite number of sounds. Its preposterous.

The “argument” for a multitude of genders is so twisted and absurd that it simply become laughable.

There are two genders - masculine and feminine. They are a spectrum of characteristics and are completely incapable of changing or redefining of the underlying biological sex.
Posted by DeepBlueSea
Member since Jan 2018
774 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 9:49 pm to

Then again, in good ole Louisiana, cant help but impose their morality and ignore the separation of church and state....

So if we were to compare drag queen story hour events and say, Vacation Bible School programs, which of those two are sometimes hosted by public libraries?

I just want to be clear on how much of the actual issue is about the protecting free speech/expression for private citizens and separation of church and state vs. championing the social cause du jour under the guise of constitutionalism.

Posted by GRTiger
On a roof eating alligator pie
Member since Dec 2008
63471 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 9:52 pm to
My laptop is a nonbinary pansexual.
Posted by mrservon
Baton Rouge
Member since Aug 2007
440 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 10:04 pm to
Only thing that Bronc has clearly shown is that he supports & desires pedophilia under the guise of free speech. And he thinks we are all hateful bigots because we don’t feel the same. He is also trying to justify his lust by saying that religions have done it, and people still attend mass, therefore being a pedophile is completely fine.

He is trying to defend his position & doing a very poor job.

He’s proven himself to be a completely sick frick & is likely wearing women’s clothes as i type this.
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7438 posts
Posted on 3/23/23 at 6:16 am to

WTF are you talking about?

Italian animals...just off the top of my head.

La balena - whale
La scimmia - monkey
La mosca - fly
La tigre - tiger
La mucca - cow
La tartargua - turtle
La farfalla - butterly
L'anatra - duck
La formica - ant
La pecora - sheep
La capra - goat

Since you clearly are pontificating on things of which you have little knowledge of, I can easily dismiss the rest of your sophistry.

Thank you for pointing out exactly what I said...almost universally. Good show!
Posted by GreatLakesTiger24
One State Solution
Member since May 2012
55971 posts
Posted on 3/23/23 at 6:18 am to
I agree with him but I'm kind of tired of (quasi) celebrities and media people getting their dicks sucked for saying it. It's like praising people for believing in gravity or wholly mammoths.
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7438 posts
Posted on 3/23/23 at 6:19 am to

Your argument is akin to arguing that silence is the same as an infinite number of sounds. Its preposterous.

The “argument” for a multitude of genders is so twisted and absurd that it simply become laughable.

There are two genders - masculine and feminine. They are a spectrum of characteristics and are completely incapable of changing or redefining of the underlying biological sex.

There three genders. Masculine, Feminine, Neuter. All 3 are associated with typical characteristics culturally and socially associated with one of the 3. They have NOTHING to do with biology, plumbing, reproduction or sex. All of those are biological facts which can be determined by testing and supported by a heaping pile of data which states unequivocally that there are two biological sexes unrelated in any manner with gender.
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7438 posts
Posted on 3/23/23 at 6:26 am to

yeah, it’s called evolution. men and women have developed traits over hundreds of thousands of years to help propagate the species. it only took the most advanced civilization in human history to decide that isn’t good enough for us

Gender traits have zilch to do with propagation. A man in a dress is, if physically healthy, intact and of a mind to do so, capable of impregnating a woman in a football uniform. Hell there is probably some of that on Porn Hub if anyone is into that sort of thing. Willful ignorance, hard headediness, unresolved issues with one's on identity aside there is nothing that can change the fact that gender is a social/cultural construct and biology is a scientific fact and that the two have nothing in common. There are only 2 biological sexes contrary to some nuts opinions on the subject but there is an unlimited number of ways a human being can view themselves and there ain't a thing in the world that anyone can do about this but pass laws making that person's life more difficult for no reason other than to make that person's life difficult.
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7438 posts
Posted on 3/23/23 at 6:43 am to

You people have been making it up as we go.

You can pretend to be anything you choose, I don't care until you start with the kids, and don't expect me to participate in your delusion.

WHy is it so fricking hard to lay off the kids?

Yes, mankind has been making up gender from the beginning of time as you state. You are 100% correct...we people, all of us, every single one, are making up gender as we go.

No one is starting with the kids. Kids are assigned a gender at birth based on their reproductive organs mainly. Socially and culturally all people in all civilizations have always done this. As that child matures SOME of them see things differently. Always have, there is evidence of this for as long as human history has been recorded.

Unfortunately you can not choose not participate in this gender assignment without being viewed as anti social at best. All of us expect traits and characteristics (gender) of a child and an adult based on OUR expectations...the child or the ensuing adult is never consulted on the matter. You can't opt out of this in any manner that I am aware of. Society did it to you at birth and, like most people, you complied with society's gender identity for you. Some people do not comply. As you say, one can pretend to be anything they choose.

You ask why it is so hard to lay off the kids? The answer is clear...we identify a child's gender at birth and expect that child to comply. We reinforce this expectation of compliance daily. Man has done this since the beginning of time. It is human nature. That is why it is so difficult for us, all of us, every single human who ever was, is and ever will be, you and me included, to lay off the kids. You can't control anyone's actions other than your own. The question you should be asking is why can't you lay off the kids? Why are you invested in gender assignment at birth and societal and cultural reinforcement of that assignment with no consideration of the individual's thusly assigned opinion on what is a seriously private issue? It ain't none of your business. If you don't want your kid to know about the world around them that is your business. Do your job as a parent and allow others the same consideration. Lead by example.
Posted by Van Wilder
Member since Jul 2014
228 posts
Posted on 3/23/23 at 6:45 am to
Spin it all you want, but wanting to cut your Cock off is a mental illness
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7438 posts
Posted on 3/23/23 at 6:46 am to

The idea that sex and gender have nothing to do with one another is completely asinine. You’re completely lost at sea brother bear

Given that it is a irrefutable fact that gender is based on traits established culturally and societally and sex is a biological fact supported by years of scientific data which states unequivocally that sex and gender are not synonymous I would say that anyone stating otherwise is, if not lost, at best ignorant. I don't make the rules I merely live by them the best I can.
Posted by Saint Alfonzo
Member since Jan 2019
22471 posts
Posted on 3/23/23 at 6:51 am to

Again, gender has absolutely nothing at all to do with biology. That is a fact that can either be liked or disliked but the feelings of the individual has no ability to change the fact that gender and biology are completely separate concepts. Biology is a matter of science, gender is societal and cultural in nature. Any double speak to the contrary is presented to cause confusion, as you point out, and most likely due to either ignorance or willful ignorance based on fears that one could be converted or has decided.

What a bunch of nonsense. Gender and sex have been used interchangeably for eons. Just because Johnny wants to wear a dress doesn't mean he's a different gender. bullshite word games.
Posted by UGATiger26
Jacksonville, FL
Member since Dec 2009
9055 posts
Posted on 3/23/23 at 6:51 am to

Thank you for pointing out exactly what I said...almost universally. Good show!

Those are feminine, you sophist clown. Your claim was that animal names in languages derived from Latin are "almost universally masculine." And you said it with a straight face and the pompous swagger of a someone who possesses a Ph.D in Linguistics.

You want some masculine animal names in Italian?

il serpente - snake
il gatto - cat
il cane - dog
il pollo - chicken
il ragno - spider
il pesce - fish
il cavallo - horse

There is no "almost universal" slant one way or the other.

So again, you have idea what you are talking about, and this should serve as a clue that nobody should take seriously anything else you have to say.
This post was edited on 3/23/23 at 7:43 am
Posted by Mr. Hangover
New Orleans
Member since Sep 2003
34521 posts
Posted on 3/23/23 at 6:56 am to

You ask why it is so hard to lay off the kids? The answer is clear...we identify a child's gender at birth and expect that child to comply. We reinforce this expectation of compliance daily. Man has done this since the beginning of time. It is human nature. That is why it is so difficult for us, all of us, every single human who ever was, is and ever will be, you and me included, to lay off the kids. You can't control anyone's actions other than your own. The question you should be asking is why can't you lay off the kids? Why are you invested in gender assignment at birth

that’s because if a child is born with a penis, it’s a male, and if it’s born with a vagina, it’s a female. That’s all there is to it. There are no exceptions. I don’t give a shite what BS study you read from some irrelevant ‘reseacher’. If it’s born with a penis it’s a male, and if it’s born with a vagina, it’s a female

Anything other than that should be mocked viciously until the person realizes just how far off the rails they’ve gone. I honestly can’t comprehend how you freaks think any different than that
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